Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen

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Center Parcs Vakantiebon 2025 - tot 250 euro voordeel

Center Parcs Vakantiebon Voor aankomsten in de periode van 6 januari t/m 26 september 2025 m.u.v. schoolvakanties en feestdagen. tot 250 eu...

zondag 1 juli 2012

European Masters Championships 2013

The International Masters motto 'Fitness, Friendship and Understanding' is the basic concept for the European Masters Championships 2013. These Masters Championships are organized in the Pieter van den Hoogenband Swimming Stadium in Eindhoven during the first week of September 2013. The world's best Masters in swimming, diving, synchro and open water swimming will be admired in this stadium.

Center Parcs De Kempervennen, near Eindhoven, will be transformed into the EC Masters Village! A special package has been composed to offer Masters, their family & supporters accommodation during the championships. You will be able to book a package for multiple nights, including a free shuttle service to the stadium!

Bron en meer informatie: Center Parcs