Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen

vrijdag 27 september 2019

Halloween, een supercool familiefeest

De duisternis valt vroeg in… Hé, hoorde jij dat ook? En wat was dat? Lekker samen griezelen doe je ook bij Center Parcs.

Halloween vieren is het leukste als iedereen meedoet. En dat gaat zeker lukken!
  • Verkleed je met Wannabe een Heks of Tovenaar en doe eng tijdens de Halloween Disco in de Market Dome.
  • Monsters en spoken tijdens de Halloween Griezelparade in het donkere park. Durf je? Spannend voor het hele gezin!
  • Spookachtig licht, spannend geluid: welkom op de Halloween Pool Party in de Aqua Mundo, op deze donkere avond.

woensdag 25 september 2019

Halloween activities for a spook-tacular time at Center Parcs

If you’re joining us this Halloween be sure to check out all the activities we have in store for your little ones. You can even join them in some activities so you don’t miss out on all the fun. You’re sure to have a fang-tastic time during your break.

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Workshop

Age: 3 years +

Where: All UK villages

What’s it all about: It’s that time of year where the traditional pumpkin twinkles in the spooky night. Come along and create your own spooky character – pumpkins provided. Halloween wouldn’t be the same without pumpkin carving, so make sure all you ghosts and ghouls check out this activity with your family.

Halloween Broomstick Making

Age: 2 years +

Where: All UK villages

What’s it all about: Halloween Broomstick Making is perfect for getting into the seasonal spooky spirit and crafting your very own broomstick… the ideal finishing fancy-dress touch for little witches and warlocks. We’ll show them a few tips and techniques for building a stylish flying machine, and provide all the materials they’ll need to make their very own.

Halloween Pumpkin Hunt

Age: 2-5 years

Where: All UK villages

What’s it all about: Search for pumpkin clues in this fun family adventure. Make sure you don’t stray too far from the path…who knows what may be lurking among the trees? Your little ones will have a ghoulishly delighting time wandering for the clues – be sure to head to the Activity Den first though.

Halloween Cupcake Decorating Workshop

Age: 8-11 years or 3-7 years for Halloween Cupcakes for little ones

Where: All UK villages

What’s it all about: What could get you into the Halloween spirit more than a Halloween Cupcake Decorating Workshop? Let your children put their creative skills to the test as they master the art of cake decorating. If you’re lucky they’ll even let you try one of their cupcakes! If your little ones are younger, why not let them try the Halloween Cupcakes for Little ones activity?

Huck’s Haunted Halloween

Age: All ages

Where: All villages

What’s it about: In the deepest, darkest night, the Halloween fun continues with a themed evening and our friendly staff dressing in spooky costumes. The whole family’s welcome to come to Huck’s Haunted Halloween and make the most of all the ghostly goings-on. Children can dress in their own scary costumes or masks to take part in the fun. Tuck into our celebrated Huck’s American Bar and Grill menu, and a terrifyingly terrific night is guaranteed for all. Please note: A £5.00 booking deposit per person is required and is redeemable from your final bill.

Book now for Halloween and keep a look out for these spooky happenings.

The post Halloween activities for a spook-tacular time at Center Parcs appeared first on Village Life.

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Source Village Life

Maarten van der Weijden opent nieuwe wildwaterbaan in Zandvoort

Roetsjen door bochten, zoeven over hobbels en dan vooral een heel harde plons maken na de zoveelste spannende afdaling. De nieuwe wildwaterbaan van Center Parcs in Zandvoort is niet voor watjes. Zwemmer Maarten van der Weijden had dinsdagmiddag de eer om tijdens de feestelijke officiële opening het eerste ritje te maken.

Een handjevol jongens en meisjes staat - zelfs in de stromende regen - al te trappelen om met hun grote idool het water in te springen. De baan begint en eindigt weliswaar in het overdekte zwembad, maar ...

Bron en hele artikel: IJmuider Courant

dinsdag 24 september 2019

Wildwaterbaan Zandvoort geopend door Maarten van der Weijden

Voor het eerst in 15 jaar een nieuwe wildwaterbaan in Center Parcs

Wie al jaren in Center Parcs komt, ziet ook al jaren hetzelfde tropische zwemparadijs. Het was dus wel eens tijd voor iets nieuws, moeten ze ook bij het park hebben gedacht. Na vijftien jaar is er vanmiddag een nieuwe wildwaterbaan geopend in de vestiging in Zandvoort.

De nieuwe baan is 116 meter lang en ieder uur wordt er ruim 2,4 miljoen liter water doorheen gepompt. Onderweg kunnen gasten waterkanonnen, waterbubbels, watervallen en warme en koude luchtstromen tegenkomen.

Ook worden er door de afwisseling van smalle en brede stukken stroomversnellingen gecreëerd en kan er bij een splitsing gekozen worden voor een langzamere of snellere rit.

Bekijk de beelden
Olympisch zwemkampioen Maarten van der Weijden is samen met basisschoolleerlingen als allereerste door de nieuwe wildwaterbaan gegleden.

Bron en hele artikel: RTL Nieuws

Help! De Rietplas dreigt droog te vallen: gemeente Emmen zoekt naar oplossingen

Boten die vastlopen op zandbanken. Steigers die aangetast worden omdat de houten fundering niet meer onder water staat. Het steeds verder zakkende waterpeil in de Kleine en Grote Rietplas veroorzaakt steeds meer problemen.

Na twee droge zomers is het peil nu zo'n tachtig centimeter gedaald. In de Kleine Rietplas geeft een pop in het water de huidige stand aan: 60 centimeter diep.
,,Normaal gesproken staat het water tot aan zijn schouders, op zeg 1,40 meter'', zegt Rolanda Dijkhuizen van Horecacentrum Rietplas. Ze kan geen kano's meer vastbinden aan de steiger, want daar is geen water meer. Er ligt enkel nog een boot op het droge.

Houten beschoeiingen onder druk
Aan de betonnen randen van huizen die in de buurt aan het water liggen is het verschil ook goed te zien. De bovenkant is wit, daarna een donker vlak van zo'n tachtig centimeter breed (waar ooit water tegenaan klotste) en pas dan water.
Steigers opklauteren, in plaats van opstappen
Bij Center Parcs Parc Sandur moeten huurders van bootjes de steigers opklauteren, in plaats van opstappen. Volgens het vakantiepark is het verschil bijna een meter geworden.

Bron en hele artikel: DVHN

maandag 23 september 2019

Share your festive memories at Center Parcs for a chance to win a break!

Hot chocolates by the fire, a crisp winter walk, festive family dinners and a partridge in a pear tree! What does Christmas or New Year at Center Parcs mean to you?

We would love to see your lovely pictures from Christmas and New Year breaks at Center Parcs. From decorating the Christmas tree in your lodge to watching the New Year fireworks, we love seeing what you get up to on your festive break! We will use these images to show other guests why festive breaks at Center Parcs are so magical.

For a chance to win, simply email with:

  • Your full name
  • A quote on why you enjoyed your Christmas or New Year break
  • Attach any images you’re happy for us to share on all print and digital channels.

Terms and conditions

1. The “Share your festive memories for a chance to win a stay at Center Parcs” (the Promotion) is open to residents in the UK and the Republic of Ireland only, aged 18 and over, except employees of Center Parcs (the Promoters), their families, agents or anyone professionally connected with the Promotion.

2. To take part in the Promotion simply email with your full name, a quote and image(s) of what you’ve enjoyed about a festive break. Only entries that have been completed correctly and in full will be entered into the Promotion. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility for late, lost, delayed or damaged entries and cannot be held responsible for any inability to submit entries as a result of computer service, systems and/or server failure, error, interruption, defect or delay or any other technical malfunction.

3. By sending an email with a quote and an image, you agree to Center Parcs choosing and publishing submitted photos on UK and Ireland digital channels and within print at its absolute discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, Center Parcs is under no obligation to use any of the photos submitted.

You retain the legal ownership of any photo that you upload. However, in order for us to use your image, you grant to Center Parcs a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, assignable, sub-licensable licence to use the photo.

We can use the photo on Center Parcs’s webpages and for any use in our advertising, marketing and promotional materials without compensation or prior notice using any media or distribution methods. Center Parcs may use, edit, alter, reproduce, translate, publish, or create derivative works at our sole discretion.

You also grant Center Parcs the right to use your username, real name, image, likeness, caption or other identifying information in connection with the use of any of your photos displayed on Center Parcs webpages.

4. There is no entry fee and no purchase is necessary to enter the Promotion.

5. The Promotion opens at 1pm on Monday 23rd September 2019. The promotion will close at 10am on Wednesday 31st October. In this instance, the period from 23rd September 2019 – 31st October 2019 will be known as the “Promotion Period”. Any entries outside the Promotion Period will not be counted.

6. Only one entry per person. If more than one entry per person is received, or if you attempt to submit more than one entry by using the same, multiple or different names, all such entries may be deemed void and you may be disqualified from the Promotion.

The Prize

7. There will be one winner of the prize and the winner will be selected randomly from all participants. The prize is either a mid-week or weekend break in a Woodland Lodge at Center Parcs. The prize excludes school holidays, Winter Wonderland and Christmas and New Year breaks. The prize can be used at any UK or Ireland village.

  • If the winners are under the age of 21 they will require the lead booker of any breaks won or booked with vouchers that have been won, to be 21 or over.
  • The winners will be able to select break dates of their choice at Center Parcs, subject to availability.
  • The prize does not include travel expenses, insurance, food or drink
  • The break must be taken before 20th December 2020 and is subject to availability. The standard Center Parcs’ terms and conditions of booking will apply.

8. The winners will be contacted via email by 5pm on Friday 15th November The winner must respond to notification of their prize by 5pm on Friday 29th Failure to respond in that time will result in the prize being forfeited and the Promoters reserves the right to select a new winner, in these circumstances.

9. The winner agrees to the use of his/her name, social media handles and image in any publicity material free of charge.

10. The decision of the Promoters in relation to the Promotion is final. No correspondence will be entered into. No information regarding entries or judging will be disclosed to any third party.

11. The surname of the winner is available on request.

12. Automated, bulk or third-party entries will be disqualified. Any incomplete, corrupted or entries not in accordance with the entry instructions, will be rejected. Any entries from participants, who we reasonably believe have acted unfairly, will be disqualified.

13. The Promoters reserves the right to disqualify any entries that it deems to be suspicious or achieved through manipulation of the promotion or any of the platforms that it is made available through.

14. The prize is not transferable, re-saleable or exchangeable. There is no cash alternative.

15. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Promoters reserves the right to offer alternative prizes of equal or greater value.

16. By entering, participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms and Conditions. All entry instructions form part of these Terms and Conditions.

17. The Promoters reserves the right to amend, alter or terminate this Promotion at any time due to circumstances beyond its control.

18. Your details will be used only in relation to the administration of this Promotion and the delivery of the Prize unless you opt-in to receive future marketing communications from Center Parcs. Any personal information provided will be used in conjunction with the Center Parcs Privacy Policy which you can see online at

19. No social media website (such as Facebook, Twitter or any other such website) are sponsors of the Promotion and have no responsibility or liability regarding the conduct or administration of the Promotion.

20. Center Parcs, including their officers, directors, employees, shareholders or agents, excludes all liability for any losses and/or damages of whatever nature and howsoever arising to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws.

21. These rules are governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

22. The Promoters are: Center Parcs (Operating Company) Limited, a company registered in England and Wales at Companies House.  Our registered office is Head Office, One Edison Rise, New Ollerton, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG22 9DPand our registered number is 04379585.

The post Share your festive memories at Center Parcs for a chance to win a break! appeared first on Village Life.

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Source Village Life

Van bacteriën die plastic ‘opeten’ tot geen troep in de wc: kinderen werken in America aan beter klimaat

Een dag na de klimaatstaking en vlak voor de VN Klimaattop doen dit weekeinde zo'n 150 Vlaamse en Nederlandse kinderen in America mee aan de Kids Climate Conference. Ze hopen dat politiek en bedrijven aan de slag gaan met hun ideeën voor een beter klimaat.
Hoe voorkomen we dat er plastic in de waterzuivering terechtkomt en hoe zorgen we ervoor dat microplastics niet meer in het milieu belanden? Circa 150 kinderen, tussen de 9 en 14 jaar oud, krijgen die vraag deze zaterdag in de stand van Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg en WML op de Kids Climate Conference in America. Zorgen dat de winkels geen plastic meer verkopen, luidt het antwoord uit de groep. Eén jongen heeft een idee om plastic weer úit de oceaan te halen: bacteriën bedenken die het plastic 'opeten ...

Bron en hele artikel: Limburger

zondag 22 september 2019

Activities you have to try this October half term

Before you pack your bags, load the car and head to Center Parcs, check out our guide to activities you must try on your short break this October half term. Whether you are with family or friends, there are many activities which all ages can get involved in on a Center Parcs break and we’re here to give you a glimpse of just a few.

Aerial Adventure

For who: minimum height: 1.22 metres

Where: all villages

What it’s all about: Prepare for a thrilling adventure as you climb up into the treetop canopy to complete our aerial course. With guidance from our instructors, make your way over a series of obstacles before finally making an exhilarating descent by zip-wire that will have you flying through the trees.

Who’ll love it: daredevils with a head for heights

Adventure Golf

For who: all ages – person over 18 must be present

Where: all villages

What it’s all about: Your putting skills will be tested in this family activity that will have you practicing your eye for precision as you keep your cool and battle it out to be the winner of your group. Watch everyone’s competitive side come out as you take to our themed golf course in this fun and family-friendly activity. Will you be the first one in your family to get a hole-in-one?

Who’ll love it: perfect for all ages and abilities if you have a spare afternoon

Indoor Climbing Adventure

For who: minimum height 1.10 metres

Where: all villages

What it’s all about: Have you got a head for heights? Tackle our Indoor Climbing Adventure and climb your way to the top of our colourful indoor climbing walls. Depending on the Village you will find yourself conquering a snakes and ladders inspired wall, climbing up a chess board or making your way through space. With various paths you can take to climb up these walls, remember once at the top, there’s only one way down.

Who’ll love it: families who want to try something new together

Pottery Painting Studio

For who: all ages – person over 18 must be present

Where: all villages

What it’s all about: All the family can get involved in this creative session that will have you choosing and painting your very own piece of pottery. Pick from a range of pots and then get to work painting, splodging and crafting your masterpiece. Our staff will glaze your pot overnight so remember to collect your creation the very next day.

Who’ll love it: those who are feeling creative or looking for a relaxing afternoon

Aqua Jetting

For who: 8 years +

Where: all villages

What it’s all about: Take to the water and make a splash in this unique activity that will have you embarking on an underwater adventure. Dive to the depths of our pool with the use of a Seadoo and zip through the water in this exciting aquatic adventure. This fun activity is like no other and is one that little ones and big ones alike will love.

Who’ll love it: for families who love spending time in the Subtropical Swimming Paradise

Interactive Squash

For who: 12 years +

Where: Whinfell Forest, Elveden Forest

What’s it all about: Get your adrenaline pumping with a game of squash but with an exciting twist. With the help of state-of-the-art technology and your mobile phone, challenge yourself or a competitor to a game of block squash to fun tic tac and see who will come out on top.

Who’ll love it: competitive friends or family

Family Nature Journal

For who: 3 – 7 Years

Where: all villages

What’s it all about: Take your family on a journey through our forests. Head out with our Rangers who will let you discover the nature you’re surrounded by. You can fill in your nature journal and take it home with you.

Who’ll love it: budding explorer’s and nature enthusiasts

For more activities available on your Center Parcs break, check out our guide to activities at the Outdoor Activity Centre or check out our activities website here.

The post Activities you have to try this October half term appeared first on Village Life.

from Village Life
Source Village Life

zaterdag 21 september 2019

NIEUW: wildwaterbaan in Park Zandvoort

Maanden lang is er in Park Zandvoort gewerkt aan een nieuw spektakel: de wildwaterbaan. En het is bijna zover… Op 24 september wordt de wildwaterbaan geopend na een bouwperiode van ruim 9 maanden en kun jij met volle vaart door de wildwaterbaan razen! Sta je al te trappelen?

Snelle rit
De wildwaterbaan van Park Zandvoort is maar liefst 116 meter lang en er wordt per uur ruim 2.400.000 liter water doorheen gepompt. De baan begint in de Aqua Mundo en vervolgt zijn weg naar buiten. Lig je er eenmaal in, dan wordt je snelheid binnen mum van tijd opgevoerd. Ook sta je bij de splitsing voor de keuze of je nog sneller wilt. Duh! Hop, door de snelle baan naar beneden. De snelle rit eindigt in het eindbad die weer uitkomt in de Aqua Mundo.
Het ontwerp
De bouwtekening geeft je al een kleine sneak peak van wat je kunt verwachten. Verschillende elementen zoals gekleurde luchtbubbels en waterstralen, waterkanonnen, watervallen en afwisselende temperaturen zorgen voor een compleet nieuwe ervaring. De werking van de wildwaterbaan hebben we in de videoserie Uitvogelen al verklapt! En natuurlijk kun je rekenen op een tropisch decor waar onze huisbioloog Jean Henkens zijn uiterste best voor heeft gedaan. Hoe zo'n tropische omgeving levend wordt gehouden, dat zie je hier.

Bron: Center Parcs

How to teach a child to cycle

There are hundreds of reasons for a little one to learn to cycle, not to mention fun and freedom. Cycling builds confidence, keeps them fit and widens social horizons. With Center Parcs’ vehicle-light roads, top-notch Cycle Centres and clean air, it’s the ideal spot to get them started.

Julie Rand, Volunteer Communications Officer at Cycling UK, and a National Standard Cycle Instructor shares her top tips…

1. All you need is basic prep

Dress kids in comfy clothing that are not going to get caught in the chain or cogs. Gloves or mitts are a good idea as their hands can get sore. Find a hard surface to start on, ideally on a gentle downward slope.

2. Swerve stabilisers

Start with a balance cycle, or simply take the pedals off a regular cycle. Stabilisers might get them pedalling, but pedalling is relatively easy; balancing the cycle using their body weight is the main skill.

3. Explain the brakes

Start off by teaching them to use the brake levers properly. Make sure they’re using them both at the same time so they’re not likely to go over the bars.

4. It’s OK to give them a bit of a hand

Get them walking the cycle along with their feet on the ground, then, once they get momentum, get them to pick their feet off the ground. They might need a little push sometimes if they’re not very good at pushing along.

5. Don’t be nervous

That’s you, not them! Children can take on your fear. If you are nervous or your child is reluctant to take instructions from you, you might want to bring in a professional cycling instructor – you don’t want it to become a fraught process.

6. Avoid going OTT on the cycle

They might want a fashionable mini mountain bike, but these types can be too heavy. Buy the right size – it’s safer. If they are riding a cycle that’s too big for them they’re going to find it harder to control.

7. Use short sessions

How long it takes to learn to cycle depends on the child, but the main thing is to go at their pace. Sessions of 15-20 minutes at a time, half an hour even, are probably enough. Small amounts of progress will lead to long-term success!

8. Give pointers

Get them to look ahead instead of at the ground, and keep reminding them to keep their back straight. The further back on the saddle and the more upright they are, the more balanced they’re going to be.

9. Jump back on

If you follow the above methods learners shouldn’t crash or fall that often. If they do have a tumble, wait, give them the time to recover, then persist with it.

10. Make it fun

Introduce little games to improve control skills: to improve steering, have a go at cycling around obstacles like sticks or cones; to help with balancing, see how slowly they can pedal.

Get little ones off to a flying start with our Teach Me Balance Bike activity.

Visit your village’s Cycle Centre and our knowledgeable staff will make sure you get exactly the right cycle. You can hire cycles for the duration of your stay or just a day. We also stock a range of accessories, such as helmets, to buy or hire, as well as route maps.

Book your next Center Parcs break here.

The post How to teach a child to cycle appeared first on Village Life.

from Village Life
Source Village Life

vrijdag 20 september 2019

Winactie: WNF knuffels, een powerbank en nog veel meer!

Give away! 🍀 Dit weekend organiseert Center Parcs samen met het Wereld Natuur Fonds - WWF en Gemeente Horst aan de Maas voor de 6e keer de Kids Climate Conference: dé junior klimaattop waarin kinderen zich buigen over natuur, klimaat, duurzaamheid en verantwoorde voeding. 
Op Facebook geeft Center Parcs daarom dit leuke verrassingspakket weggeven met o.a. WNF knuffels, een powerbank en nog veel meer! 

Vertel in een reactie wat jullie thuis doen om mee te helpen aan een betere aarde en maak kans! 

World Cleanup Day op 21 september bij Center Parcs

Onze vakantieparken liggen in de mooiste natuurgebieden en regio's van Europa en deze moeten wij behouden. Duurzaamheid is onderdeel van ons DNA en dat komt tot uiting in onze Goede en Groene daden, waaronder onze deelname aan de World Cleanup Day op zaterdag 21 september: een dag waarop miljoenen vrijwilligers over de hele wereld zich samen inzetten tegen zwerfaval. Doe jij ook mee?

  • In Het Heijderbos staat tijdens de World Cleanup Day de Kids Parade van Orry & Vrienden in het teken van opruimen. De kinderen zullen samen met Orry en Woops op zoek gaan naar zwerfaval en dit weggooien waar dat hoort. Op deze dag is de parade dus niet alleen heel leuk, maar ook leerzaam en goed voor onze planeet.
  • In Het Meerdal & Limburgse Peel dragen ook alle medewerkers een steentje bij en wordt iedereen gestimuleerd om zwerfaval op te rapen. En dat gebeurt niet alleen op zaterdag. Dit weekend (20 – 22 september) wordt namelijk de Kids Climate Conference georganiseerd en staat het thema 'afval' centraal.
  • In De Huttenheugte maken ze er zelfs een wedstrijdje van. Een groep collega's gaan samen de omgeving in en geven die een opfrisbeurt. Terwijl zij dat doen wordt er met een app bijgehouden wie er het meeste afval verzamelt.

donderdag 19 september 2019

How to help children to not be afraid of animals

Educational Ranger Steve Norris shares his top tips for helping children have confidence around animals

1. Talk about animals together

“Talking to your child about animals can reassure them that there’s nothing to be afraid of,” says Steve. “You could chat about what the animal looks like, what it likes to eat, where it sleeps or how it likes to be touched.” All of this will help prepare your child and make them feel more confident when they come across the real thing.

2. Be a nature detective

You can boost your child’s confidence going on a wildlife hunt. “We run various nature activities through the week for children of all ages,” says Steve. “We look out for all sorts of birds, bugs and larger animals like deer too.”

During sessions, such as Family Nature Journal, Nature Detectives and Creepy Crawlies, Steve shows children how to look out for animal tracks and signs in nature. “You might spot deer footprints, find out that squirrels eat pine cones in a certain way, or discover a badger’s toilet,” he says. “The children love it.”

3. Get hands-on

It can be daunting to get up close and personal with animals – but being able to touch, smell and hold an animal helps to boost your child’s confidence and gives them a sense of achievement.

Steve says he shows children grass snakes and newts, and encourages them to pick up animals like frogs and toads, big insects and beetles, and even slow worms. “They learn how to handle these animals gently and confidently, and how to release them safely back into the wild without causing distress,” he says.

“Many of the children have never seen a slow worm before, and it’s a joy to see their faces after they’ve held one. Parents will tell me that they have not stopped talking about it.”

4. Take your memories with you

Keeping a nature diary is a great way to make sure you don’t forget all the wonderful wildlife you’ve discovered on your family adventures.

During the Family Nature Journal sessions at Center Parcs, you have the chance to collect feathers, flowers and lots more to stick into your very own quality journal. You could make drawings, take photos and write notes about your wildlife discoveries in your diary too.

5. Invite new animals home

Building your child’s confidence with animals doesn’t have to stop when you leave Center Parcs. Perhaps you can conquer your own fears too by inviting a snake to live in your garden?

“You might not think you’ve got snakes where you live, but put a piece of tin down,” says Steve. “A few days later, look under it with the children. There’s a good chance there will be a snake or a slow worm underneath.”

If you’d rather see something less slithery, why not make a bird box to fix to your wall or fence? At the Build a Nature House sessions, you’ll learn how to make a home for blue tits, robins, bats or insects.

Activities with animals at Center Parcs

Get closer to animals with a Junior Pony Ride or Festive Pony Ride, available at Sherwood Forest, Elveden Forest, Longleat Forest and Longford Forest. Or discover more about nature on a Build a Nature House, Family Nature Journal, Nature Detectives, Creepy Crawlies or Falconry.

The post How to help children to not be afraid of animals appeared first on Village Life.

from Village Life
Source Village Life

Geniet van de kerstvakantie bij Center Parcs

Ertussenuit tijdens de kerst? In de kerstvakantie beleef je samen de warmste momenten bij Center Parcs. Voor de kerstboom in je cottage, tijdens een van de vele winterse activiteiten en tijdens een verrukkelijk kerstdiner in een van de restaurants. Gehuld in feestelijke Winter Wonderland-versieringen, staat Center Parcs garant voor een sprankelende kerst!

Boek nu je kerstvakantie al vanaf €329 voor een 4-persoons cottage, 3 nachten / 4 dagen incl. verplichte kosten.
  • Winter Wonderland
    Beleef de magische sferen van Winter Wonderland met feestelijke versieringen en winterse activiteiten.
  • Kerst arrangementen
    Ga jij deze kerst voor gemak? Voor een zorgeloze kerst boek je gemakkelijk een van onze kerst arrangementen.
  • Oud en Nieuw vieren
    Luid samen het nieuwe jaar in tijdens Oud & Nieuw bij Center Parcs. Als dat geen knallen wordt! 

dinsdag 17 september 2019

Center Parcs en Gamestate gaan strenger toezien op jonge kinderen in hun gamehallen

Gewelddadige games in gamehallen makkelijk toegankelijk voor jonge kinderen

Center Parcs en Gamestate gaan strenger toezien op jonge kinderen in hun gamehallen. Zeer jonge kinderen kunnen daar nu nog makkelijk gewelddadige spellen spelen, blijkt uit onderzoek van Kassa. Ook gaan Center Parcs en Gamestate spellen voorzien van een leeftijdsclassificatie en wordt het voor bezoekers duidelijker dat niet alle spellen geschikt zijn voor alle kinderen.

Uit het onderzoek van Kassa bleek dat kinderen van negen en elf jaar zonder toezicht schiet- en horrorspellen konden spelen die niet geschikt zijn voor kinderen onder de zestien jaar. Deskundigen stellen dat sommige spellen zelfs geclassificeerd moeten worden als 18 jaar en ouder. Bovendien blijkt dat de gamehallen niet voldoen aan de wet omdat mogelijke schadelijke beelden niet verhuurd, verkocht of vertoond mogen worden aan kinderen onder de 16 jaar.

Onvoldoende toezicht
Toezichthouder Agentschap Telecom ziet toe op naleving van deze wet, maar gamehallen werden niet gecontroleerd omdat het toezicht alleen op bioscopen en de detailhandel gericht is. De toezichthouder geeft aan te onderzoeken of meer toezicht noodzakelijk is.

FEC Nederland, de branchevereniging voor gamehallen, meent dat hun leden wél voldoen aan de Nederlandse wet en dat ze bewust zijn van hun maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid.

Bron en hele artikel: Kassa

maandag 16 september 2019

De zakelijke markt als doelgroep; van vergaderlocatie tot bizcation

Het Business Center van Center Parcs De Eemhof staat aan de vooravond van een grote verbouwing. Zo'n 12,5 jaar geleden is men hier begonnen met services voor de zakelijke doelgroep om de bezetting in de dalseizoenen te verbeteren. Dat doel staat nog altijd overeind. De klantwens is in het afgelopen decennium wel structureel veranderd.

Veranderende klantwens
We spreken met Eelco van Schellebeek, Sales Manager Center Parcs Business Solutions over de veranderende markt. De zakelijke markt heeft de afgelopen jaren flink wat last gehad van de crisis, maar sinds 2017 nemen de boekingen duidelijk weer toe. In de eerste helft van 2019 is er een stijging van 15% zichtbaar van zakelijke boekingen in vergelijking met dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Er is volgens Van Schellebeek wel wat veranderd in de nieuwe klantwensen: "Er wordt gezocht naar locaties waarbij teams in een huiselijke omgeving samen kunnen zijn. De andere grote verandering is dat er vaker arrangementen worden gezocht waar business en vermaak worden gecombineerd."

De zakelijke markt is bijzonder divers – en in de meeste gevallen zelfs maatwerk. Belangrijkste segmenten die je kunt onderscheiden zijn:
– Incentives
– Congresmarkt
– Vergaderingen
– Teambuilding
– Bedrijfsfeesten en -evenementen

Bron en hele artikel: Pretwerk

zondag 15 september 2019

Recipe: September Shakes

September is shake month and a milkshake can be as freaky or as simple as you like.

Our recipes this month all start with the same base, a couple of scoops of ice cream, and a cup of milk, then just pick your flavours. Add a handful off cookies for a classic cookies and cream shake, for PB&J it’s 2 spoons of peanut butter and some jam. For a beautiful purple blackberry shake, it’s the perfect time to pick a bowl of fresh blackberries,  add that to the mix with a spoonful of honey and your done. For extra smoothness sieve your blackberry milkshake to avoid a pippy shake!

Top your shakes with cream and decorate your glass if you are feeling fancy. To get the ‘ombre’ effect on the blackberry shake, mix some cream with the blackberry mix for the top half of your shake then top with a mint leaf.

Happy Shaking!

Basic Milkshake Mix (per person)

2 scoops of vanilla ice cream

200ml Milk

Cookies and Cream

Add 3-4 Oreo Cookies

Peanut Butter and Jam

2 Tbsp Peanut Butter

1 Tbsp Seedless Jam

Blackberry & Cream

A small bowl of blackberries

A little honey to sweeten


  1. Using a liquidiser or a stick blender mix your ice cream and milk
  2. Add your chosen flavour and mix until smooth and creamy
  3. Taste and adjust the flavours to suit
  4. To decorate your glass you can drizzle the inside with chocolate sauce or jam

If you are visiting us at any of our villages, check out this blog post to see where you can get some tasty milkshakes during your stay.

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vrijdag 13 september 2019

Shake it up at Center Parcs

Hucks American Bar and Grill

Freedom Freakshakes are great way to finish an American feast. Choose from Silky Salted Caramel, Strawberry Jelly and Bourbon Cream.

For an extra special treat, why not choose an alcoholic Freakshake? With a choice of Nice ‘n’ Nougat, an Amaretto and Crème de Cacao blended with vanilla ice cream and honey or Mudslide Baileys Irish Cream, Kahlua and Smirnoff vodka, blended with vanilla ice cream and topped with whipped cream… tempting?

Hucks American Bar and Grill is available at every village.

Dexters Kitchen

Would you choose a strawberry, chocolate or vanilla milkshake? At Dexters Kitchen, you can choose your favourite shake to enjoy alongside your fresh food.

Dexters Kitchen is available at Whinfell Forest, Sherwood Forest, Elveden Forest and Longleat Forest.

Monty’s Dogs & Cones

After making a splash in the Subtropical Swimming Paradise, why not treat yourself to a poolside milkshake?

Monty’s Dogs & Cones is available at Woburn Forest

The Pancake House

A Center Parcs break isn’t complete without a trip to The Pancake House, and regardless of whether you choose a sweet or savoury pancake, delicious milkshakes are a great edition. With mini milkshakes for the little ones and a selection of mouth-watering milkshakes for the rest of the family, a sweet treat is guaranteed for the whole family.

The Pancake House is available at every village.



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Aqua Sana Longleat Forest is having a makeover…

An exciting transformation began earlier this year at Aqua Sana Spa at Longleat Forest. The first phase of our brand-new Forest Spa is now complete and to celebrate, here is the menu of 14 spa experiences new to Longleat Forest.

Moonlight Steam Room
Exclusive to Longleat Forest. Let the deep purples of dusk from our moonlight centrepiece take you into complete relaxation. Breathe gently through your nose and inhale detoxing steam, letting the moons light balance your inner wellbeing.

Moonlight Shower
Another Longleat Forest exclusive. Step inside and experience a cleansing trio of showers. Select a setting to suit your mood, from warm tropical rain to a gentle mountain mist, or try a cooler glacial rain. Step inside and let the lights, scents and soothing water wash over you.

Forest View
Escape to the forest canopy and curl up on an oversized bed. Snuggle under a blanket and feel the natural ambience balance your mood, while you slip into quiet contemplation. Take time to lie back, relax and let the forest view rebalance your mind and body.

Forest Nesting
Soak up the serenity and snuggle down on a soft, oversized bed. Curl up under a blanket and rest your eyes or relax as the calming patterns dapple across the floor. Take 15-30 minutes’ rest in between heat experience rooms to cool down and gather your thoughts.

Forest Meditation
Sit back and gaze at the forest sky, as it phases from day to night in a softly-lit haven of calm. The perfect place to relax, contemplate worldliness and practice mindfulness. Sink into the ergonomically cushioned seats and let the peaceful atmosphere aid quiet contemplation.

Our Nordic Forest is also complete, taking its cue from Scandinavia, this spa combines purifying Alpine Steam and intense Nordic Sauna with an invigorating Ice Cave and glorious outdoor Scandinavian Snug, complete with flickering fire pits.

Nordic Sauna
Take a seat on the aspen wooden benches and relax in the soothing dry heat. We’ve brought the outside in as the wow-factor panoramic window looks out onto the tranquillity of the forest.

Ice Cave
Follow one of our heat experiences with an invigorating ice-rub. Alternating extremes of heat and cold is proven to boost circulation, minimise pores and enhance your sense of wellbeing.

Alpine Steam Room
Intense steam, rose essence and amethyst crystal work together in powerful concert, soothing the skin, stimulating circulation and healing the respiratory, digestive and immune systems.

Forest Rain Walk
A sequence of shower experiences harness the proven benefits of meridian acupressure, alternating hot and cool water, and different scents, sounds and colours.

Scandinavian Snug
Experience a mix of cosy and cool inside the snug. Nestle into this fabric-wrapped retreat, cover up with warm blankets and relax as the flickering fire pit adds to the warmth and atmosphere.

And you can also try our newly opened Treetop Nesting zone. In the Forest Glade Steam Room a fine cooling mist creates a tropical climate while hydrating your skin. Step through the Rainforest Showers to experience their different scents, sounds, colours and temperatures.

Forest Glade
Seated at the heart of a forest clearing, the Forest Glade steam room is a haven for relaxation. Calm, cooling mists give the feeling of being in a gentle tropical climate.

Deep Relax
The ultimate in relaxation – sink into one of our waterbeds and experience absolute horizontal comfort.

Sweet Slumber
Drift into a state of relaxation among the treetops. The heated body-contoured loungers set against a forest scene are the perfect way to reflect and gather your thoughts.

Rain Forest Shower
Journey through the rain forest, experience a tropical rain storm, awaken your senses and feel the warmth of the sunshine.

Keep an eye on our social channels and blog post for phase two where more spa experiences will be revealed. Book your Spa Day or Spa break to enjoy these wonderful additions to Longleat Forest.

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maandag 9 september 2019

Slaapt Max Verstappen bij Center Parcs tijdens de Grand Prix van Nederland?

Formule 1-coureurs slapen over het algemeen in de meest luxe hotels op en rondom het circuit, maar die luxe is minder aanwezig rondom het circuit van Zandvoort. Daarom denkt de organisatie aan een andere oplossing.

Center Parcs Zandvoort is namelijk wel geïnteresseerd in de huisvesting van de Formule 1 en die interesse blijkt niet van één kant te komen. ''De Formule 1 is zeker geïnteresseerd en er worden gesprekken gevoerd om het hele park af te huren. Dat zou dus betekenen dat mensen van de organisatie en teams op ons park zullen slapen'', zegt Marthijn Tabak tegenover Hart van Nederland.

Bron en hele artikel: GPBlog

zondag 8 september 2019

Herfstvakantie al vanaf €329

Geef jullie herfst nog meer kleur!Je herfstvakantie zit vol kleur bij Center Parcs! Overdag struinen door de bontgekleurde bossen, roetsjen van de kanariegele glijbaan in de Aqua Mundo, klimmen tussen de gekleurde boomtoppen... En 's avonds dineren in een tropisch groen decor van onze overdekte Market Dome. Klinkt heerlijk toch, zo'n herfstvakantie?

Boek nu je herfstvakantie al vanaf €329 voor een 4-persoons cottage, 3 nachten / 4 dagen incl. verplichte kosten.

De zakelijke markt als doelgroep; van vergaderlocatie tot bizcation

Het Business Center van Center Parcs De Eemhof staat aan de vooravond van een grote verbouwing. Zo'n 12,5 jaar geleden is men hier begonnen met services voor de zakelijke doelgroep om de bezetting in de dalseizoenen te verbeteren. Dat doel staat nog altijd overeind. De klantwens is in het afgelopen decennium wel structureel veranderd.

Veranderende klantwens
We spreken met Eelco van Schellebeek, Sales Manager Center Parcs Business Solutions over de veranderende markt. De zakelijke markt heeft de afgelopen jaren flink wat last gehad van de crisis, maar sinds 2017 nemen de boekingen duidelijk weer toe. In de eerste helft van 2019 is er een stijging van 15% zichtbaar van zakelijke boekingen in vergelijking met dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Er is volgens Van Schellebeek wel wat veranderd in de nieuwe klantwensen: "Er wordt gezocht naar locaties waarbij teams in een huiselijke omgeving samen kunnen zijn. De andere grote verandering is dat er vaker arrangementen worden gezocht waar business en vermaak worden gecombineerd."
Waar voorheen werd gefocust op het bieden van de juiste accommodatie en voorzieningen, kijkt Center Parcs tegenwoordig steeds meer naar de doelstelling van de bijeenkomst. Van Schellebeek: "Bij bijeenkomsten waar ontmoeting centraal staat hebben onze locaties een meerwaarde t.o.v. traditionele congreslocaties. Natuurlijk hebben wij ook de voorzieningen voor presentaties en serieus overleg. Maar mensen leren elkaar pas echt goed kennen tijdens een activiteit. Daarvoor hebben wij van alles al in huis. Voor elk gezelschap stelt Center Parcs desgewenst een passend activiteitenprogramma samen: van mountainbiken, zeilen, duiken en blokarten tot bowlen, boogschieten, Adventure Golf, Escape Room en de High Adventure Experience. De combinatie van 'business meets pleasure' wordt sinds vandaag als 'Bizcation' vermarkt bij Center Parcs."

Bron en hele artikel: Pretwerk

zaterdag 7 september 2019

Tot 40% korting op een verblijf bij Center Parcs!

Herontdek onvergetelijke momenten met je familie of vrienden en beleef nieuwe avonturen in het hart van de mooiste natuur! Profiteer nu van exclusieve aanbieding en ontvang tot wel 40% korting!
Bron: Center Parcs

vrijdag 6 september 2019

Center Parcs ready for short breaks rise after reporting profits surge

The company opened its first Ireland destination in July
Bosses at Center Parcs believe they are in a prime position to capitalise on a rise in short family breaks as the company posted a substantial rise in profit for the last financial year.

The leisure giant heavily invested in its flagship Sherwood Forest holiday village recently with a new adventure ride at its Sub Tropical Swimming Paradise, while its first Ireland destination, Longford Forest, opened in July.

Capping off a successful year for the Nottinghamshire-based firm, its end-of-year accounts show a surge in revenue to £480.2 million for the year ended April 25, up from £469m the previous year.

Profits after tax also increased significantly, from £51.5 million in 2018 to £62.8m this year.

Commenting on the results, the company's directors wrote in a statement: "With recent trends showing an increase in family short breaks, particularly in the UK, the Center Parcs concept is more relevant today than at any point in its history in the UK market.

Bron en hele artikel: Nottingham post

Jump into autumn

We all love summer, but there’s something about autumn. There’s no more evocative season; and as the leaves change colour, the air becomes crisper and our clothes start to get chunkier and cosier, it’s easy to fall in love with autumn.

Where better to experience the onset of autumn than in the heart of the forest? An ever-changing environment. There’s a saying that “every leaf is a flower in autumn”, so we’d like to help you and your family make the most of this seasonal spectacular.

On your bike

If there’s a chill in the air there’s no better way to warm up than peddle power. You can bring your own cycles and hit our woodland trails, or you can hire them from the Cycle Centre. With a range of bikes for children, adults and groups, as well as accessories, the whole family can enjoy a ride out together.

Make some new friends

Surrounded by nature, our villages are home to a vast array of wildlife – but be quick, many of them have hibernation on their mind! If you’re staying at Whinfell Forest, keep your eyes peeled for the Red Squirrels. Rife with Scots Pine and Norway Spruce, it’s one of 18 conservation areas in the UK for this endangered species. But all of our villages have their special visitors, including tufted ducks, woodpeckers and various birds of prey.

Give me shelter

Building dens is as nostalgic as playing conkers or jumping in leaf piles and the spirit of youthful adventure is alive and well at Center Parcs. If you’re an intrepid, creative, family our Den Building and Decorating activity gives you the chance to get ‘all Bear Grylls’ with a little help from our Den Master who will offer tips, tricks and the ultimate test for your creation – a watering can to see how watertight it is as you all huddle inside. The little ones will love foraging for feathers and pinecones to decorate your cosy creation. (Available at Whinfell Forest, Elveden Forest, Longleat Forest and Longford Forest)

See the leaves close up

Want to get more up-close and personal with those vibrant autumn colours? Our Action Challenge will get you much closer to the treetop canopy through a series of treetop adventures. If you’re a daredevil, a thrill-seeker or an adrenaline junkie and you’re looking for some excitement this autumn, our Aerial Adventure, High Ropes Challenge and The Drop will put a glow in your cheeks and a spring in your step… just don’t look down!

You’ll have a hoot

Spark their inquisitive nature and watch as they quietly observe these beautiful, impressive birds with our Baby Owls experience. During this magical encounter — enjoyed by adults and children alike — you’ll meet some of the world’s most spectacular breeds. Wise owls beware, this session is full of surprises.

Let’s get creative

Weather not playing ball? You can still surround yourself with all the colours of autumn (and many more) with our Pottery Painting. Suitable for all ages, you can create a masterpiece while spending some quality time with the family. After your handiwork is done, the Pottery Painting Studio will professionally glaze it for you and fire it overnight so you’re left with a work of art to take home as a memento of your trip. Make your own mug and you’ll have the perfect receptacle for a warming autumn beverage.

Get crafty in the forest

Maybe you’ve been foraging and found some ‘treasures’? Our Forest Crafts Woodlands Creations is a nature-themed craft session for all the family. Using natural materials, you can create your own family of woodland creatures as well as a habitat home for them to live in. Fun and informative, it’s a great way to fuel the little ones’ imaginations.

Warm on the inside

Nothing says autumn like a stack of freshly prepared pancakes hot from the griddle. The Pancake House is a great place to fuel up before a day’s adventure or for recharging the batteries after a fun-packed session. Sweet or savoury, there’s no need to book – just turn up.

Whether you’re foraging in the undergrowth, watching a sunset over the lake or feeling the leaves crunching under your feet, book now for autumn fun.


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woensdag 4 september 2019

Together for Short Lives: A letter from Emma Harwood

About Together for Short Lives

Since June 2016 our corporate charity partner has been Together for Short Lives, the UK charity making a lifetime of difference for children expected to have short lives. We are proud to match fund donations made by our guests when booking through our website or Contact Centre, and we donate 25 breaks a year to the charity. Emma Harwood and her family were donated a break and wrote a lovely letter about their experience.

The letter 

“Dear Center Parcs and Together for Short Lives,

Since we heard we had been donated a break we’ve been stunned! What a treat, and for us an adventure in exploring what could be possible for our family juggling an ‘incompatible with life’ Shalome  ̶  our youngest daughter who is now 3 years old! It’s a rollercoaster! Shalome has never been able to travel, but since the wheelchair accessible vehicle we have had successful journeys (no emergency CPR) and we’ve been eager although apprehensive about braving a holiday.

You have given us the confidence boost we needed!

The lodge, accessibility and family focus of Center Parcs thrilled our souls. We, along with all guests, were treated like royalty. And for our eldest, Faith 5yrs, she knew she was gifted this holiday as she’s an exceptional big sister. Your gift has blessed our whole family – more than you can comprehend.

We bonded like never before as the whole experience was inclusive, accessible and welcoming of all.”

Emma shared some lovely photos of their treasured memories from Center Parcs (pictured left)

“For Faith, her favourite was the nature reserve…exploring the grand outdoors, Shalome certainly reacted most to the pottery experience. Dad, Colin, commented on the tranquillity of not having cars on-site and everything being so convenient. Myself, mum Emma-Jayne loved a week of ease and reactions of the whole family at the falconry session.

We brought paternal grandparents along, Grandad is a wheelchair user and Grandma cares for him plus helping with Shalome in her ups and downs. This holiday was a thank you to them too. And the bonus for us was a date night!

Center Parcs deserves an incredibly special thank you too: the lady who checked us in was genuinely interested in us as a crew; Richard at falconry dealt so incredibly well with Shalome and included her in everything; the pottery experience staff went above and beyond even donating postage and items for memory making. We feel blessed beyond words.

Our recent family news is we are expecting baby no3. We’re hoping for health, and that they will meet our Shalome. We’ve loved having this holiday to celebrate. We’ve returned home feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and ready for our next lap.

We will never forget this holiday and your generosity. The staff are all aware of Together for Short Lives and their local children’s hospice, understand the work they do and are clearly very passionate about it.

Thank you, beyond words.”

Our partnership

During our partnership with Together for Short Lives, we hope to raise awareness and vital funds to support the 49,000 children living with life-limiting conditions, and their families, in the UK.

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Center Parcs Zandvoort: wij gaan mogelijk Formule 1-teams huisvesten

Center Parcs Zandvoort is in gesprek met de organisatie van de Dutch Grand Prix. Dat bevestigt een woordvoerder aan Hart van Nederland. Mogelijk wordt het hele park afgehuurd door de organisator.

"Dat betekent dat het hoogstwaarschijnlijk is dat er mensen van de organisatie en teams op ons park komen te slapen", zegt woordvoerder Marthijn Tabak van Center Parcs.

Center Parcs heeft in Zandvoort 450 huisjes en 114 hotelkamers. Eerder blokkeerde het park de optie om huisjes of kamers te boeken. De tientallen gasten die al eerder hadden geboekt, mogen gewoon komen. "Hun boeking blijft natuurlijk staan."

Bron en hele artikel: hart van Nederland

Christmas arrives at Aqua Sana Spa

With the weather taking more of a turn as we head to the colder months and Christmas is increasingly on our minds, why not get ahead of the game with gift-giving this year. From pampering pockets to stocking fillings you’ll find something to suit everyone, or even indulge in a gift from you to you this year.

So here are some of our top favourites that should make it on this year’s Christmas list….

Decléor Infinite Surprises Advent Calendar £85, worth £311

Make December a month of Infinite Surprises. Cleanse, moisturize, soothe, tighten, illuminate… everything your skin needs is enclosed in twenty-four detachable boxes that contain retail and deluxe sizes of Decléor’s iconic products.

Includes 24 skin saviours for the ultimate Decléor fan. With 5 full-size products, including (spoiler alert) Luxuriant Nourishing Lip Balm, Hand Cream, Hydra Floral Everfresh Light Cream, Green Mandarin Eye Cream and Phytopeel Smooth Exfoliating Cream. Trying to resist the temptation to open them all will be tough, but we promise you won’t be disappointed.

Decléor Infinite Glow Green Mandarin Gift Set £58, worth £86

This Christmas why not replace the original Christmas present – oranges – with green mandarins. Decléor masters the science of essential oils and their antioxidant power for this Infinite Glow Gift Set: 3 products enriched in Green Mandarin Essential Oil & Jasmine Absolute to help you fight the first signs of ageing while perfecting its glow. Includes a full-size Green Mandarin Sun-Kissed Cream, Jasmin Eye Cream (15ml) and Green Mandarin Aromessence (5ml). Drop the star at the top of the tree, your skin is going to shine brighter anyway.

Elemis Pro-Collagen Rose Glow £85, worth £119

Indulge your skin and senses with this divinely scented Pro-Collagen Rose collection, combining the power of Pro-Collagen with the delicate aroma of English roses. Organic Rose Hydrolat softens and soothes the skin from dehydration, while Mediterranean algae, Padina Pavonica, helps to support the skin’s moisture barrier for a smoother-looking complexion. Includes the new Pro-Collagen Rose Hydro-Mist (full size), Pro-Collagen Rose Cleansing Balm (full size) and a Rose Glow Candle.

Elemis Superfood Skin Feast £55, worth £81.80

A complete set to feed your skin. Includes a full-size Nourishing Omega Rich-Cleansing Oil, full-size NEW Superfood Kefir Tea Mist, the new Superfood Vital Veggie Mask (15ml) and a Superfood Day Cream (20ml). Formulated with plant-based, nutrient-dense Superfoods. The set helps to replenish skin, for a healthy, outdoor-fresh glow, in a vegan-friendly way.

To pick up these Christmas treats, book a Spa Break or Spa Day or visit our Aqua Sana Boutiques during your stay at any of our villages.

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