Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen

zaterdag 31 augustus 2019

2019 Firework Displays at Center Parcs

Our firework displays by the lake* at Center Parcs are highly anticipated events across all of our villages, that we wouldn’t want you to miss out on! So here is the ultimate guide on where you can see our spectacular firework shows, from Bonfire Night to New Year’s Eve 2019…

*Pyrotechnic displays at Woburn Forest

Guy Fawkes Fireworks

Date: Sunday 3rd November 2019 & Wednesday 6th November 2019

Where: Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest, Woburn Forest

Time: Woburn Forest – 18:30

Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest – 18:00

Winter Wonderland Fireworks

Date: Sunday 10th November 2019 – Sunday 22nd December (only every Sunday and Wednesday)

Where: Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest, Woburn Forest

Time: Woburn Forest – 18:30

Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest – 18:00

Christmas Fireworks

Date: Thursday 26th December 2019

Where: Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest, Woburn Forest

Time: Woburn Forest – 18:30

Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest – 18:00

Pre-New Year’s Fireworks

Date: Sunday 29th December 2019

Where: Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest, Woburn Forest

Time: Woburn Forest – 18:30

Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest – 18:00

New Year’s Eve Fireworks

Date: Tuesday 31st December 2019

Where: Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest, Woburn Forest

Time: Sherwood Forest, Whinfell Forest, Woburn Forest, Elveden Forest – midnight

Longleat Forest – 18:00

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donderdag 29 augustus 2019

Center Parcs kan niet zonder stroomslurpende wildwaterbaan

Center Parcs bouwt in Zandvoort een spectaculaire wildwaterbaan. De attractie moet meer publiek naar het park trekken. De baan slurpt veel extra ingekochte energie op. Terwijl het streven van het bedrijf juist is de milieu-impact te verlagen.

Bron en video: RTL Z

dinsdag 27 augustus 2019

Recipe: Peach & Almond Cake

This cake is dense and buttery, with a sugary top and will quite happily sit around for days without going dry. It’s good with a cuppa but doubles up as a ‘dessert cake’ with a spoonful of Greek yoghurt or crème fraîche.

It would also be an excellent side order whilst watching the new series of The Great British Bake Off. So why not bake yourself your own show-stopper? Then you can put your feet up and watch everyone else getting in a flap with complicated recipes because this one is easy as pie.


300g butter (at room temperature)

250g golden caster sugar plus some for sprinkling

150g self-raising flour

150g ground almonds

4 eggs

4 or 5 ripe peaches or nectarines

Note: if you can’t get really ripe fruit you can use a tin of peach halves, or some peeled and cored ripe pears


  1. To prepare the peaches score a cross on the top of each one and then drop them in scalding water for a minute, then plunge them into cold water. The skins should slide off easily and you can halve them and remove the stones.
  2. Butter and line a deep 20cm springform tin.
  3. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  4. Add the flour and almonds and the lightly beaten eggs in 2 halves, mix well. (It is a very thick cake batter, this is what stops the peaches from sinking!)
  5. Scrape your cake mix into the lined tin then place the peaches on top and sprinkle them with a little sugar to glaze them. Place the cake tin on a baking tray as butter might ooze out.
  6. Bake at 175ºc for 30 minutes, uncovered, then cover loosely with foil and bake for another 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out ‘almost clean’, make sure the top has become firm rather than wobbly.
  7. For best results sprinkle the cake with a little more sugar then bake uncovered for 10 minutes extra to make a sugary crust.
  8. Leave in the tin for 10 minutes before placing on a cooling rack.

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Vakantiewoningen Center Parcs Zandvoort in razend tempo uitverkocht

De cottages van vastgoedbelegger Klaas Hummel op het vakantiepark in Zandvoort zijn binnen één jaar tijd allemaal verkocht. "De snelheid overtrof alle verwachtingen", aldus Hummel.

In mei 2018 startte Center Parcs met de verkoop van de 428 cottages en centrale faciliteiten op vakantiepark Zandvoort, tot op dat moment in handen van Lapidus Holding van vastgoedbelegger Klaas Hummel.

300 aan particulieren verkocht
Met de verkoop is geld vrijgemaakt voor een grootschalige renovatie van het park en de faciliteiten. Voormalig eigenaar Klaas Hummel is tevreden over de verkopen: "Het is een fantastisch vakantiepark, dat door deze renovatie nog aantrekkelijker wordt, zowel voor huurders als investeerders. Daarom zijn de huisjes in korte tijd ook vrijwel volledig uitverkocht".

In Zandvoort zijn er totaal ruim 300 cottages aan particulieren verkocht. Daarnaast werd eind vorig jaar al bekend dat het hotel, de centrale voorzieningen en 120 vakantiewoningen op het park waren verkocht aan Zeeland Investment Beheer.

Bron en hele artikel: vastgoedjournaal

donderdag 22 augustus 2019

First time visiting Center Parcs?

Before you arrive

Make sure you’ve checked in to ensure you get through our Arrivals Lodge in the quickest time possible. If you log into your online account, all you need to do is enter the guest details for your party and you’re good to go!

Pre-book to avoid any disappointments! Many of our popular activities and restaurants can get booked up in advance. You’re able to pre-book up to 6 months in advance, so you don’t miss out on those must do items on your Center Parcs list. There’s even a helpful itinerary function on your online account so you can see what you’ve booked when.

Whilst we provide towels for use in our accommodation, remember to bring along your own towels for the Subtropical Swimming Paradise. Alternatively, you can hire these out daily if you prefer.

Let us know if you or anyone in your party is celebrating a special event whilst on your break.

When you arrive

You can arrive any time from 10am on the day your break begins and begin exploring the village. However, there is no access to your accommodation until after 3pm and your car must also remain in the main car park until this time.

Family or friends not staying with you can join you on a day pass for one day during your break. These must be booked in advance either online or through our Contact Centre.

You’ll receive a village map to help you get around, which shows you key areas around the village and where your lodge is located. You can also access maps online, in your pre-arrival pack and dotted around the village.

During your break

We pride ourselves on being a safe, car-free environment so you can enjoy walking and cycling through the forest during your break. All cars must be returned to our free main car park once you’ve unloaded your items into your lodge unless your lodge has a dedicated, marked parking space.

If there’s any activity that you fancy taking part in and you haven’t pre-booked, you can check availability by visiting a Booking Desk (location indicated on the village map).

There’s nothing better than enjoying a relaxing cycle through the forest. To keep everyone safe there are some paths that are just for those on foot, so make sure you stick to the marked cycle paths. We have cycle parks located all around the village at key destination points, so you can safely lock your cycle in these parks whilst you enjoy the facilities on village.

If you have any issues or problems during your break, our Guest Services team are contactable 24 hours a day by phone, or you can visit in person from 8am until late.

When you leave

Going home is always the worst part of the holiday! But you can make the most out of your time and enjoy the facilities on village until late in the evening.

You can drive to your lodge on departure day to collect your things and pack your car up, but you must be out of your lodge and return your car to the main car park by 10am. If you need to leave us a day early (Thursday or Sunday) if you speak to Security or Guest Services, they will arrange for a special pass to give you access to the village after 4pm for one hour to pack up your car.

If you’ve hired a cycle from us during your break, these must also be returned by 10am on the day you leave.

Please ensure you deposit wristbands into the appropriate boxes as you leave.

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donderdag 15 augustus 2019

10 guest top tips for your Center Parcs break

“Pick your lodge when you book – you know exactly where you are and can forward plan” @alicebestwick

At your time of booking, you have the option to pay to allocate a specific lodge. This means if you can plan to be in a certain area, or if you are booking more than one lodge, you can ensure you’re all together.

“Pack comfortable footwear and clothes for woodland walks!” @meg_payne74

British weather can be unpredictable, but the weather doesn’t stop adventures at Center Parcs! Pack for adventures in the forest, and remember to check the weather before you go.

“Arrive as early on the first day and go swimming or have lunch before your lodge is ready” @niamhwalsh98

On your arrival day, you’re welcome to arrive as early as 10am to get your break started sooner. You could even hit the pool in the afternoon, with access to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise available from 2pm onwards on the day of your arrival.

“Do the Treasure Trail on one of the first days. It’s a great way to have family time and also explore” @mrself29

Hop on your bikes and solve the clues scattered around the forest! The Treasure Trail is a great way to familiarise yourself with the village and to use the powers of teamwork.

“Take lots of photos. A break can seem like so long ago but one photo can take you back” @mrs_claire_conroy

Taking photos during your break is a great way to preserve the memories. Why not book in for a Family Photo Shoot? We love seeing and sharing your photos, remember to use the hashtag #mycp so we can admire them!

“Go to the rangers lodge to see what animals have been spotted that week!” @homeisat51

Every village has a Rangers Lodge (or Nature Centre). Our knowledgeable Rangers are on hand to help you discover the environment around you.

“Don’t be scared to try something new and out of your comfort zone!” @xx_dotty_xx

Center Parcs is the perfect place to try something new. Leave the comfort zone behind with activities such as Aerial Adventure, or take on The Drop?

“Bikes are the most enjoyable way to get around, it makes you feel like a big kid again!” @melia_a86

Cycling around our villages is a wonderful way to explore and get around. Our Cycle Centre is on hand to supply you with the perfect equipment for the whole family.

“The Subtropical Swimming Paradise is quiet in the evenings and try the rapids in the dark!” @dmartland1

The Subtropical Swimming Paradise provides joy to the whole family! On average, the pool is quieter in the evenings, and the Wild Water Rapids are even more atmospheric when it’s beginning to get dark outside.

“Book activities and restaurants before you go so you make the most of everything it offers!” @missfittsx

To plan your itinerary, booking your activities and restaurants before you go ensures you don’t miss out on family adventures!

Fancy putting these tips into practice?  Book your next break at Center Parcs.

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Meervallen spotten – Het verhaal achter de foto

Marion Haarsma, die in juni bij ons ‘in beeld’ is, ontmoet Big Mama. Of is het Big Papa?

De meerval is een bijzondere vis, hij kan heel groot worden. Voor een leek lijkt hij misschien wel op een grote paling. Het klopt dat het dier lang en dun is, maar daar houdt de vergelijking meteen op. De meerval komt wijd verspreid in heel Europa voor en was altijd al in Nederland aanwezig. Nu komt hij vooral voor in de grote rivieren zoals de Maas, Waal en de IJssel. De sportvissers mogen er ook op vissen, maar ze moeten hem wel weer loslaten – ‘catch and release’! Soms worden meervallen door de sportvissers uitgezet in zoetwaterplassen. Dat is dan weer leuk voor de duikers.


Een uitstekende plek om meervallen te observeren is in de Kempervennen. De grootste meerval daar heet Big Mama, ze is wel meer dan twee meter lang. Ze is een prachtig onderwerp om te fotograferen. Er zijn daar meerdere meervallen te bewonderen in alle kleuren en maten. Soms is Big Mama een paar dagen weg – misschien is ze aan het paren of haar eieren aan het verdedigen? Het kan heel goed zijn dat Big Mama eigenlijk Big Papa is!

Bron en hele artikel:

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Verblijft u liever op een park van Landal, Roompot of EuroParcs

Five things to do this August bank holiday

With the last bank holiday until Christmas almost here and with most of us counting down the days until our big summer holiday or pining over our holiday memories. Keep the spirit of summer still alive before our coats and woolly jumpers are back out of our wardrobes, by squeezing in a spontaneous trip to the forest in your diary this bank holiday.

If you are thinking of joining us in the forest or already booked a break for a long weekend of action-packed fun or a relaxing getaway surrounded by the natural forest and wildlife. Here’s what your bank holiday weekend could look like…

Relax and unwind

Start your bank holiday the right way with a visit to Aqua Sana Spa. Catch up on some important sleep with our indoor and outdoor chill-out spaces with comfortable seating and cosy blankets. Or indulge in our spa experience rooms from wet to dry to herbal to meditative you’ll find everything you need to feel relaxed and revitalised, ready to get back to normality.

Reach new heights

Get out of your comfort zone this bank holiday and try something new. Take to the trees on Aerial Adventure for a dose of adrenaline to conquer the treetop course. Swing through the trees and then descend on the zip-wire for a spectacular view of the forest.

Afternoon treats

You don’t have to have pancakes just for breakfast. Mix things up on your break and head to The Pancake House after a morning filled with activities for the perfect afternoon meal. Whether you decide to go sweet or savoury, indulge in a triple stack with the full trimmings, for a delicious long weekend sweet treat.

Dive right in

After your food has settled from a belly full of pancakes, take a dip in the Subtropical Swimming Paradise for an evening swim. If you dare, face the Tropical Cyclone or tackle the Wild Water Rapids perfect for those adrenaline junkies. Or for more of a relaxing trip to the pool, hire a cabana and sit back and relax while your little ones make a splash in the water play areas.

Sandy beach

There’s no need to book a flight for a weekend away this bank holiday. With our sandy beach in the forest, feel the sand in between your toes and soak up the last bit of summer here in the UK. Perfect for making sandcastles with your little ones and enjoying some delicious ice cream for a bank holiday escape.

Get your August bank holiday break booked in the diary or discover more about your long weekend adventure today.

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dinsdag 13 augustus 2019

Your summer 2019

From quality time at the beach, to memorable activities in the forest, take a look at what guests have been up to this summer at Center Parcs…


It’s not too late to book a last-minute summer break for you and your family!

For more lovely images taken by Center Parcs guests, make sure you’re following us on Instagram, and remember to tag your Center Parcs images with #mycp.

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zondag 4 augustus 2019

Family dining at Rajinda Pradesh

Are the dishes child-friendly?

At Rajinda Pradesh we offer your little adventurers a separate menu just for their tiny tummies. With a children’s version of Rajinda’s Experience Banquet, your little ones can eat the same as the parents but with half of the portions for half the price.

We also provide their all-time favourites for those that aren’t a fan of spicy food. From spaghetti Bolognese to fish fingers and chips we’ve got you covered, so you can enjoy fine dining with your family, without having to compromise.

Did you know… that you can request for these dishes to be served alongside adult starters to satisfy your young one’s appetites quickly.

Does Rajinda Pradesh cater for allergy and dietary requirements?

Yes! We take importance in considering our guests with allergy and dietary requirements, so they can enjoy some mouth-watering options that suit their needs. For our plant-based guests, try our Vegan Asian sharing platter, starring a variety of Asian starters including steamed vegetable gyozas and vegetable tempura.

For your main take your pick on a variety of our authentic Vegan Rajinda curries, from a Korma to a Bhuna, which is packed with flavour. With our Gluten Free and Vegan-friendly naan bread, you can have the perfect accompaniment to a delicious curry.

Cool and refresh the palate after your meal with one of our desserts. For our Gluten-Free guests try our creamy lemon mousse rich with a fresh and citrusy flavour and topped with fresh raspberries.

New fusion dishes

The home to Indian food at Center Parcs has now seen a move away from a completely Indian influenced menu, to now include a move diverse fusion of Asian flavours. With dishes from Malaysia, Indonesia, Southern India and Thailand we have something the whole family can enjoy.

Try our Korean BBQ Ribs or Thai fish cakes for some mouth-watering starters or indulge in a Malaysian Beef Rendang a spicy curry from South West India with an aromatic coconut, lemongrass and chilli sauce to get a taste of Far Eastern flavours.

Did you know… we complete your experience at Rajinda’s by giving you our recommendations of which wine compliments the dish you will be having, so you can

Refurbished Rajinda’s at Elveden Forest…

We are always looking to improve our restaurants in our villages. At Elveden Forest, Rajinda Pradesh has had a makeover to match the food, bringing the interiors up to date with exotic colours, luxurious textiles and geometric tiles, why not check it out on your break?

Book your Rajinda Experience Banquet, to enjoy our new eastern-inspired menu at your next Center Parcs break.

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