Bron: Center Parcs
Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen
woensdag 29 mei 2019
Adrenaline boost | Secrets of Center Parcs (2)
Bron: Center Parcs
Recipe: Quick Choc & Nut Biscuits
If you ever get a craving for a biscuit or a gooey chocolate chip cookie, here’s a recipe that can get you to a warm, melt in the middle treat in 30 minutes flat. We like to sprinkle these with a few salt crystals to balance the sweetness.
There no creaming or melting of butter required, just a little bit of stirring and baking. Perfect for when the biscuit cupboard is bare.
When you scoop spoonfuls of the cookie dough onto the baking tray the biscuity balls look like scoops of chocolate ice cream and this is what gave us the idea to take these biscuits up a notch and make them into ice cream sandwiches.
Just scoop a spoonful of ice cream in-between two cookies and squidge! Get extra fancy by rolling them in ‘hundreds and thousands’ for extra crunch. You can make your ice cream sandwiches an hour or so in advance and pop them in the freezer for pudding.
Ingredients (makes approx 14)
210g Nutella
65g Peanut (or another nut) Butter
90g Sugar
1 Egg
A Pinch of Salt
2.5 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
75g Chocolate Chips
60g Plain Flour
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
Maldon Salt Crystals (optional) for sprinkling
Add Ice cream and hundreds and thousands to make an ice cream sandwich
1. Mix together the Nutella, peanut butter, sugar, egg and salt until smooth.
2. Add the flour, cocoa, choc chips and bicarb and combine well.
3. Place in the fridge for 10 minutes.
4. Preheat the oven to 175ºC
5. Line two baking sheets with baking parchment
6. Use a measuring spoon to scoop rounded tablespoons of the cookie dough onto the trays, well spaced apart
7. Sprinkle with a little Maldon Salt if you like that salty/sweet thing
8. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until the tops are crackled
9. Cool on the tray for 10 minutes to allow them to set before you cool on a rack
The post Recipe: Quick Choc & Nut Biscuits appeared first on Under the Treetops.
from Under the Treetops
Source Under the Treetops
dinsdag 28 mei 2019
Nog 1 maand: nieuwe Action Factory in Les Ardennes
Binnenstebuiten avontuur in de Action Factory
Zo bosrijk als het park buiten is, zo groen wordt de uitstraling binnen in de Action Factory van Les Ardennes. Overal vind je het ‘bos met dieren’-thema terug. Van de holes op de Interactieve Minigolf-baan tot het restaurant waar je lekker wat kunt eten en drinken. Maar eerst willen we wat zweetdruppeltjes op je voorhoofd zien!
Zoveel actie, waar begin je?
Je ziet het meteen als je rondkijkt in de Action Factory: elke activiteit straalt ‘natuur’ uit. Maar je bent hier niet om te kijken, je wil dingen doen!
Het BALUBA indoor speelparadijs
Laser Labyrinth?
Speleo Tunnel
Interactieve Indoor Minigolf
Bron: Center Parcs
vrijdag 24 mei 2019
Waterparcours bij Center Parcs De Vossemeren beter dan WipeOut

Keek je vroeger vaak WipeOut? En droomde je er dan van om zelf mee te doen en de obstakels te overwinnen als een echte eindbaas? Check dan het waterparcours bij Center Parcs De Vossemeren. WipeOut 2.0!
Volgens de vakantieparkenketen (wat een woord) is het waterparcours bij Center Parcs De Vossemeren één van de grootste drijvende obstakelparcours van Europa. De opblaasbare baan bestaat uit meer dan 100 onderdelen en beslaat 4000 vierkante meter. Ja, écht.
Wil je ‘m van A tot Z afwerken, dan ben je zeker een uur zoet. Een uur keihard kapotgaan, noemen ze dat in straatjargon. Je moet er wel voor afdalen naar België én je moet je vooraf inschrijven. Vol is vol, dus wees er snel bij.
Bron: JFK
of kiest u liever voor Landal Greenparks of Roompot.
Liver een kijkje of verblijf bij Droomparken, Topparken, Qurios, Molecaten of RCN
Nieuwe Center Parcs, Landal of Roompot bij Enschede?
Welke grote naam zich aan het project verbindt, is nog niet bekend, maar er wordt gesproken met de 'grote vier', aldus de gemeente: Landal, Hogenboom, Roompot en Center Parcs. De bouw begint als de procedures zijn afgerond, iets dat waarschijnlijk eind volgend jaar het geval is.
Het plan voor het park stamt al uit de jaren 90, maar er was een update nodig: oorspronkelijk was sprake van bijna 300 huisjes, nu zijn het er 250. De inkrimping is nodig om meer luxe mogelijk te maken. „Tegenwoordig hebben mensen behoefte aan iets grotere huisjes", aldus wethouder Arjan Kampman, die het plan omschrijft als 'een fantastisch iets'. Bovendien zorgt zowel de bouw als het park zelf voor werkgelegenheid. Als het enorme bouwproject eenmaal klaar is, zijn er naar schatting 100 tot 150 mensen nodig voor de dagelijkse werkzaamheden. „Vooral voor praktisch geschoold personeel is hier veel werk", zegt Kampman.
Bron en hele artikel: Tubantia
donderdag 23 mei 2019
Tips for weaning little ones whilst out and about
Days of adventures
Going out for the whole day is such an adventure and you may find your little one is more willing to try new things in a different environment. Packing up for a day of fun doesn’t need to be a worry if you just plan ahead a little bit.
- If you’re taking homemade meals out with you, make sure you keep them cool and try to give them to your baby relatively early in the day so they aren’t sitting in a cool bag for hours on end.
- Need to heat up meals on the go? You can take a flask of boiled water and stand the container of food in it (you’ll need a larger container for the water). Stir well and test the temperature before giving to your little one.
- If you’re out all day, save non-perishable foods for later in the day. Think banana, avocado and nut butter mashed together when you need it or oatcakes with nut butter or a tiny spread of yeast extract or an Ella’s pouch!
What should I take for my little one when we’re out and about?
If you don’t fancy taking lots of equipment out with you, there are some shortcuts you can take. Get creative with a few portable, easy to prepare options, so all you need is a bowl, a fork and a spoon (plus wipes and bibs):
- Nature’s own packaging – bananas and avocadoes come with their own travel ready packaging in the form of their skin! Just peel and mash together with a fork for an easy, on the go tummy filler.
- Sticks of fruit or cooked veg can make great portable snacks to keep little fingers busy when out and about. Just pop them in a lidded pot in your cool bag.
- Nut butter doesn’t need to be chilled and can be kept in a small pot or you can even buy single serve sachets which are perfect for on the go. Great for adding protein and healthy fats to mashed fruit or veg like banana or avocado.
- Oatcakes are great finger foods for older babies. You can use cream cheese, mashed fruit or nut butter as toppings and sandwich them together, spread inwards to avoid mess, wrap them and keep them in your cool bag for munching on later.
Engaging the senses
Getting out in nature is a great way to engage your little one’s senses. Talk about the colours of the trees, flowers and animals you see; get your little one to sniff a flower, listen to the sound of the birds and feel the bumpy bark of a tree trunk. This helps little ones to learn about the world around them and can keep their imagination busy if they’re getting a bit restless.
It works at mealtimes too! Talk about the different colours, textures, sounds and smells of food, as well as how they taste. Just make sure that your little one doesn’t try to eat any berries or things they shouldn’t when out in nature.
Do I need to stick to a feeding schedule when on holiday?
Holidays are a great time for your little one to try new foods and experience fun new places. But should you stick to your normal home routine when it comes to eating? It’s great for your little one to have regular mealtimes so they don’t get too hungry and it helps to have a routine but you don’t need to stress about lunch always being on the dot of 1pm. It’s fine to just have a similar flow of events each day, without sticking to a rigid schedule. Do what’s right for you and be let by your little one. Don’t let your feeding timetable stop you from having fun!
Dining out with your little one
Eating out can be a great time to get the family around the table and to show your little ones how much you enjoy your food and start to understand that eating together is a social occasion. Here are some top tips for eating out in restaurants with little ones.
- To show your little one how much you enjoy food, go for smaller portions of adult foods if you don’t fancy what’s on the kids’ menu for your little one.
- Lots of foods on the adult menu might be suitable. Just steer clear of added salt. Cooked veg, hummus, scrambled egg, toast, pitta or other types of bread, and pasta pieces with simple sauce can all be given as finger foods or mashed up.
- Order some sides of veg and show your little one how yummy you think they are. If they see you enjoying veggies then they’re more likely to want to copy and give them a try!
- Take familiar toys to keep your little one occupied while they are waiting for the food to come.
Ella’s Kitchen have lots of yummy food for every step of your little ones weaning journey as they discover lots of exciting tastes + textures. From the first tastes to finger foods, snacks + our Big Kids frozen range we’re here to support you + your little one every step of the way. We have handy advice, fab videos, yummy recipes, sensorial games + much more to guide you along every stage of weaning. Take a peek at our website and social channels to find out more @ellaskitchenuk
You can now find our feeding stations located in the café’s + restaurants across all Center Parcs villages. Pick up yummy freebies for your little one whilst you eat in with the family. Available on every Center Parcs break.
Win a Center Parcs break for your family
Entries must be submitted by Friday 28 June 2019. Winners will be contacted by Friday 12 July 2019. No cash alternative is offered. Responsibility cannot be accepted for late entries. The winner will be chosen at random by Center Parcs. The winning entry is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Entries accepted from the UK, Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands. This competition is not open to employees of Center Parcs, Ella’s Kitchen, or their families. One entry per household only. Entrants must be aged 18 or over.
The prize consists of a four-night midweek or three-night weekend break for up to six people, in a three bedroom Woodland Lodge, at your choice of UK Center Parcs village. The break must be taken before 31st October 2020 (excluding school and bank holidays) and is subject to availability.
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Zandvoort in Mei 2020 nog niet boekbaar (F1) - Uitleg waarom - Mogelijk al vol
Eerder waren en er berichten dat Center Parcs voor de maand mei haar huisjes uit de verhuur gehaald had.
Tabak verklaarde het volgende: "Het klopt dat wij er voor gekozen hebben om onze Cottages en hotelkamers uit de verhuur te halen. We hebben gekozen om dit voor de gehele maand mei te doen aangezien de Formule 1-kalender nog niet bekend is."
De organisatie laat verder weten dat men in onderhandeling is: "Wij zijn op dit moment in onderhandeling met een externe partij. Deze partij heeft interesse om het gehele vakantiepark en hotel af te huren." Het vakantiepark, dat 113 hotelkamers en meer dan 400 Cottages telt, krijgt komend jaar een volledige verbouwing.
woensdag 22 mei 2019
De Eemhof wordt vernieuwd!
Het park, met een mediterraan tintje in de vorm van de Market Square, ligt op een schitterende plek. Aan de ene kant het Eemmeer, het glinsterend blauwe eldorado voor watersporters, en aan de andere kant het Horsterwold – West-Europa’s grootste loofbos! Dat zijn dan ook meteen de inspiratiebronnen voor de nieuwe styling.
Vernieuwde cottages
De cottages worden niet alleen compleet vernieuwd van keuken tot badkamer, maar krijgen ook een styling die mooi aansluit bij de omgeving. Zo zul je in de Comfort cottages de vogels uit de bosrijke natuur op een speelse manier terugvinden, net als het blauw van het Eemmeer. In verschillende cottage-designs komen ook mediterrane kleuren terug uit de Market Square. Ook als je straks in een hotelkamer verblijft, zul je genieten van een compleet nieuwe inrichting. Fijn vooruitzicht dus!
Nóg meer moois
Als je in een vernieuwde cottage of hotelkamer verblijft, wil je natuurlijk dat de rest van het park daar niet bij achter blijft.
- In de Action Factory kun je na een grote vernieuwing nóg meer activiteiten doen, in een compleet nieuwe (subtropische) styling. Tipje van de sluier: de bowlingbanen zul je niet meer terugkennen!
- Goed nieuws voor fans van de Turbo Twister: de Aqua Mundo wordt uitgebreid met nóg een superglijbaan.
Even shoppen op de Market Square voor een nieuwe outfit? De winkels zelf krijgen ook een nieuw jasje!
De vernieuwing van De Eemhof pakken we zone voor zone aan. Het duurt dus nog even voordat alles klaar is.
Bron: Center Parcs
Make the most of your days at Center Parcs
Get competitive
End your night with a strike and get competitive with your loved ones with a game of Ten Pin Bowling. With our special slides, even your little family members can join in the family fun. Why not book out a lane and have a family bowling tournament while relaxing with some snacks and drinks?
Sweet treats
There is always room for dessert after dinner, so why not pop into one of our restaurants for a sweet treat. Head to Las Iguanas at Woburn Forest and Longleat Forest to indulge in a creamy caramel cake with layers of soaked sponge drizzled with dulce de leche topped with blueberries and caramelised cream. Or make a trip to Bella Italia gelato cart. Enjoy tasty gelato with a topping and sauce of your choice served in a tub or cone for on the go.
Show stoppers
Don’t miss out on our evening entertainment during your stay at Whinfell Forest. Our Decade Music Explosion Show features hits from the past and present with a host of high-energy musical tributes that will have you singing and dancing in your seats. Or give your little ones a treat by taking them to the Children’s disco at the Leisure Bowl where they can dance to the latest pop classics, perfect for an evening they won’t forget.
Cocktail o’clock
Enjoy an after-dinner cocktail during your Center Parcs break. Head down to Sports Café and take advantage of our two for £8.95 cocktails. Or try one our Freakshakes at Huck’s American Bar and Grill and combine a sweet treat with an alcoholic drink. Try Mudslide, a mix of Baileys Irish Cream, Kahlua and Smirnoff Vodka, blended with vanilla ice cream and topped with whipped cream for £7.95. Perfect for a relaxing evening with your friends and family to end your night.
Cosy night in
After a dinner out, why not take an evening stroll and soak up the forest during golden hour over the lake. Fancy a night in after a long day of fun-filled activities? Head to the ParcMarket and grab some after dinner snacks and Treats for a something sweet to indulge in during a family movie night in.
Sounds interesting? Browse and book our activities and restaurant reservations on our website ahead of your break.
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Source Under the Treetops
dinsdag 21 mei 2019
Wat je nooit had verwacht van … | Secrets of Center Parcs (1)
maandag 20 mei 2019
Het grootste waterpark van België in De Vossemeren
Het is tijd om je zwemkleding uit de kast te halen, want deze zomer staat garant voor één groot wateravontuur. De 100 losse modules die de drijvende stormbaan vastkoppelen bestaan uit verschillende hindernissen voor jong en oud. Van grote pyramides om in te klimmen, glijbanen om vanaf te roetsjen, smalle bruggetjes en zigzag-vormen om overheen te rennen en grote ballen om te ontwijken. Dat kan maar één ding betekenen: glijden, springen, lachen en fun voor iedereen!
En geheel veilig natuurlijk, want er is altijd een team van gediplomeerde badmeesters aanwezig die onophoudelijk alle onderdelen in de gaten houden en ervoor zorgen dat iedereen een zwemvest krijgt. Deze activiteit is toegankelijk vanaf 8 jaar.
Bron: Center Parcs
zondag 19 mei 2019
Laatste dag van de Vakantie Voordeeldagenj - Zomervakantie
Voordeel-fanatiekelingen opgelet! Alleen tijdens de Vakantie Voordeeldagen boek je je zomervakantie nu wel erg voordelig!
zaterdag 18 mei 2019
Fomule 1 in Zandvoort - Center Parcs mogelijk al vol
vrijdag 17 mei 2019
Een weekend weg met Hemelvaart bij Center Parcs
Recipe: Strawberry Layer Cake with Mascarpone and Elderflower Cream
It’s May, which means it’s officially the start of the British strawberry season.
We love nothing more than to head to a ‘Pick Your Own’ field and gorge ourselves on as many sticky red berries as possible. There is nothing more delicious than a freshly picked, sun-warmed strawberry.
When we get home, any strawberries that weren’t snaffled on the way are made into jam, fool or, on special occasions, this towering layer cake. It feeds at least a dozen people so it’s perfect for barbecues, garden parties, picnics or family gatherings.
Just make sure you clear a whole shelf of your fridge so you can fit it in!
The sponge recipe I use here is the same as a Victoria sandwich. The traditional method is to weigh the eggs (in their shells), then add equal weights of sugar, butter and flour.
It seems a bit odd or pernickety the first time, but it’s worth it because it works every time. And you can make any size of cake just by upping the number of eggs, without having to do any complicated conversions.
Also, a confession from a real butter lover: I’ve tried all the variations on this and on this occasion, a baking spread (margarine) is best. It gives you a super light sponge. Everywhere else – I’m real butter all the way, I promise.
For the cake:
4 eggs
Equal weight of self-raising flour
Equal weight for margarine (I used Stork for Cakes)
Equal weight of golden caster sugar
1 tsp of baking powder per 140g of egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 or 4 punnets of British strawberries
Strawberry jam
For the cream:
600ml whipped cream
250g mascarpone
3 tbsp elderflower cordial
2 tbsp icing sugar
1 Grease and line the base of two 20cm (8 inch) cake tins
2 Weigh the eggs in their shells. Then weigh out the same amount of flour, margarine and caster sugar. So if your eggs weigh 250g, you need 250g of flour, 250g of Stork and 250g of sugar.
3 Add 1 teaspoon of baking powder per 140g. In this example, it would be nearly 1 and ¾ teaspoons.
4 Put your flour and baking powder in your bowl or stand mixer. Add the margarine, caster sugar and vanilla
5 Whisk the eggs lightly in a separate bowl then add them to the mix
6 Beat with a hand mixer or stand mixer on a low speed. Once combined, turn your mixer up to fill and beat for two minutes, scraping down the edges once to gather anything stuck to the sides. After two minutes, the mixture should be light and fluffy
7 Divide the mixture between your two tins, level them off and make a slight dip in the middle to counteract that dome effect
8 Bake in the centre of a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes. Check to see if they’re golden brown and spring back when lightly touched. If your finger leaves a dent, give them a few more minutes
9 Turn out the cakes and leave them to cool on a rack
10 To make the cream, beat the mascarpone, elderflower cordial and icing sugar together, then stir this into your whipped cream
11 To assemble, cut your cakes in half, spread with a little jam, lashings of cream and plenty of fresh halved strawberries before topping with another layer
- If you prefer, you can use plain whipped cream or even buttercream between your sponges.
- To slice through your cakes evenly, I stick cocktail sticks all the way around and then cut level with those.
- Just seven strawberries provide you with your recommended daily amount of vitamin C. So, really, this cake is a superfood…
Happy World Baking Day, and happy baking!
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Source Under the Treetops
donderdag 16 mei 2019
De Vakantie Voordeeldagen zijn bijna voorbij - Zomervakantie
woensdag 15 mei 2019
Big fun for the little ones at Center Parcs
At Center Parcs, we’re focused on fun for the whole family, and that includes the smallest members. In fact, there’s no better environment for under 5s – all our villages are set in up to 400 acres of woodland; a safe and serene environment that allows children the freedom to explore and be curious.
After constantly hearing “are we there yet?”, you’ll be ready for a speedy check-in. Use your booking number and check-in online before you set out – that way we’ll get you to your lodge in no time. To make your trip smooth with little ones, you can book bikes, activities, events and restaurants before you arrive, giving you a real head-start to enjoying your break.
Getting around
We focus on providing a safe environment with minimal traffic, so your little ones can roam free whilst you feel at ease. You can bring your own bikes to Center Parcs, or hire them from our Cycle Centre. If your children are too small to ride a bike, a buggy trailer can be hired as long as they’re old enough to sit up. They’re surprisingly lightweight to pedal around – just look out for wildlife crossing!
Family dining options
Whether they are a fussy eater, a nibbler, a hoover or a grazer, there are loads of dining options available to keep the children happy. For toddlers and beyond, children’s menus with healthy and tasty dishes are available. Huck’s American Bar and Grill offer a children’s buffet so they can help themselves without waiting. Most of our restaurants also have soft play areas and there are crayons and activity sheets available to keep them happy. Ella’s Kitchen baby food is free in all of our restaurants, and bottle-warming facilities are also available.
At one with nature
In an age of iPads and YouTube, we think it’s important that children get up close and personal with nature once in a while, and there’s no better place to do that than at Center Parcs. We hope you like visitors, because every morning you’re likely to find rabbits, ducks, geese and squirrels have joined you for breakfast.
Keep them amused, come rain or shine
We can guarantee fun, but we can’t guarantee good weather. The good news is we’ve got you covered for every eventuality.
Five great indoor activities for 5s and under:
- Swimming – our Subtropical Swimming Paradise is perfect for children of all ages. Away from the main pool, they’ll love our toddler splash pools with slides and plenty of toys to play with. Don’t worry about packing buoyancy aids, we have racks full of them and they’re free to use
- Baby Balance Bike Buddy – if you think your little one is a budding cyclist, this session will help them find their feet and is a great way for them to discover their independence
- Soft play – there are dozens of indoor play areas across our villages, with themed equipment built for all ages and sizes. From swings to balance beams, they’ll have a ball
- Mucky Pups – little ones can explore their creative side and get messy with a range of things such as sand, water, jelly and pasta shapes, whilst leaving the cleaning up to us
- Fun Pots With Tots – There are no rules – it’s all about getting creative with a paintbrush and making their very own pottery masterpiece
Five great outdoor activities for 5s and under:
- The beach – if the sun’s shining, they’ll love the sensation of sand between their toes. Grab the bucket and spade!
- Teddy Bear’s Picnic – Your child will get a packed lunch and a chance to meet our ‘real life teddy bear’. Plus, there’ll be stories and songs – now, that’s what we call a picnic!
- Mini Captains Adventure – Hop aboard and set sail, as you and your little shipmate take to the high seas – the Center Parcs lake – for an exciting sailing adventure
- Baby Owls – Get up close with these beautiful, spectacular birds as they play in their natural habitat
- Tots Go Wild – An exciting mini safari that’s designed just for curious little ones. Our friendly Rangers are on hand to help them along as they discover more about the fascinating woodland creatures and their habitats.
…and relax!
Exhausted chasing your mini adventurers around? If you get some time to yourself, we’d recommend popping into Aqua Sana. Unwind surrounded by nature – there are saunas, steam rooms, relaxation rooms, hot tubs, foot spas and a large heated outdoor pool.
A bit of pampering and relaxation is a great way to recharge the batteries. There are also packages that include a Spa session and either the Crèche or an activity for your little ones to enjoy.
Book your Center Parcs break with little ones now.
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Source Under the Treetops
Aquapark Vossemeren Open
- De toegang is steeds voor 60min en kost €11 p.p.
- Het is toegelaten vanaf 8 jaar omdat men genoeg kracht moet hebben om op het Aquapark te geraken
- Het Aqua park blijft tot en met september liggen.
- Reserveringen kunnen 4 weken op voorhand gemaakt worden en tot zolang er beschikbaarheid is.
dinsdag 14 mei 2019
Our lodges
Woodland Lodges to Treehouses and everything in between, we’ve got a wide range of lodges and lodges with hot tubs that can sleep up to 12 of your nearest and dearest.
Woodland Lodges
Sleeping up to eight guests our Woodland Lodges are firm favourites with families. With stylish interiors, open-plan living and a fully equipped kitchen they are designed for family time. On your patio, you can enjoy spotting the wildlife and a sunny barbeque.
Executive Lodges
Add a touch more luxury to your break in an Executive Lodge, featuring en-suite bath and shower rooms, a fully-equipped kitchen and spacious living and dining areas. With added touches of luxury with daily housekeeping services and flat screen TVs in all bedrooms.
All three-bed Executive Lodges have their own private sauna, while most of the four-bed lodges also have a games room complete with pool table and board games (please check at the time of booking).
Exclusive Lodges
With two storeys and four bedrooms, our Exclusive Lodges have a range of luxury touches from hot tubs and saunas – apart from some at Whinfell Forest – to dedicated parking.
The beautiful interior and private outdoor area, complete with comfy, premium sun loungers for enjoying the outdoors.
Waterside Lodges
Unique to Elveden Forest our trio of Waterside Lodges. With your own private deck, hot tub and picturesque views of the lake they are nothing less than spectacular.
Inside there are three bedrooms (two double and one twin), each with en-suite and two with a rustic balcony overlooking the lake on the first floor. Downstairs there’s a fully-equipped kitchen, open-plan living space and flat screen TV for those cosy nights in.
Deep in the heart of the forest, you’ll find our most spectacular accommodation. Our unique, two-storey Treehouses offer everything you could imagine for a luxury stay in the forest.
With your dedicated Treehouse host, games den and private outdoor hot tub a break in one of our luxurious Treehouses will bring your childhood dreams alive.
Hotels and Apartments
Our hotel rooms and apartments are perfect for couples, duos and small families.
Double or twin bedrooms are available with en-suite shower rooms and daily housekeeping services. We have self-catering options available at most villages, which include a compact kitchen and all the important appliances.
Adapted Lodges
If you have accessibility needs, we’ve adapted our lodges to ensure easy access and complete comfort.
With dedicated parking, spacious bedrooms with an electric bed and walk-in/wheel-in shower your open-plan accommodation will be a home away from home. In our Exclusive Adapted Lodges, hot tubs feature hoists, and saunas and steam rooms offer wider access.
Something here for you and your family, take a look and book your next adventure.
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from Under the Treetops
Source Under the Treetops
maandag 13 mei 2019
Sandur in Emmen krijgt eigen strandje en Adventuregolf (en de vakantiehuisjes nieuwe keukens)
zondag 12 mei 2019
Center Parcs Thuis DIY: Zaadbolletjes maken
Vrolijk de natuur op en maak je eigen zaadbolletjes! Hiermee help je ook nog eens op een leuke en makkelijke manier de natuur een handje. Zaadbolletjes zijn kleine bolletjes gemaakt van potgrond, klei en bloemzaadjes. Deze bolletjes groeien uit tot bloemen die voedzaam zijn voor o.a. bijen en vlinders.
Wat heb je nodig?
Potgrond (hier mogen geen andere zaden in zitten)
Klei (zonder toevoegingen)
Gemengde bloemzaadjes
Klein beetje water
Bron en hele artikel: center parcs blog
vrijdag 10 mei 2019
Take part in our filming and photography
Do you have an upcoming break at Center Parcs with a couple of hours to spare? We’re always looking for real Center Parcs families to help us with photo shoots and filming.
Don’t worry if you’re camera shy – you won’t have to talk to camera, act unnaturally or do anything embarrassing, we promise! You might be exploring the forest, trying out an activity or just enjoying one of our restaurants while we snap or film from the sidelines. Sounds easy, right?
We’ll also offer you some Center Parcs vouchers for your trouble, which you can use to treat yourselves to a meal, activity or shopping spree before you leave, or put towards your next break. Interested? Here are our upcoming dates:
- Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June at Elveden Forest
- Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th August at Longleat Forest
To get involved, simply email with your booking reference, names and ages of your family and a recent family photo
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from Under the Treetops
Source Under the Treetops
donderdag 9 mei 2019
Where to breakfast at Center Parcs
Café Rouge
Where: All villages
What’s it all about: Serving breakfast until 12 noon, begin your day at Café Rouge with a French-inspired breakfast menu. Feast on The Rouge Breakfast, with free range eggs, Cumberland sausage, sweet cure bacon, beans, mushroom, tomato and sourdough toast. Or for more of a lighter bite, enjoy a croissant and a coffee with your morning paper.
Where: Woburn Forest
What’s it all about: The home of Naturally Fast Food’, Leon is something for all tastes, ages and dietary requirements. Energise yourself in the morning and try The Veggie Breakfast Box with fresh avocado, grilled halloumi and mushrooms, two poached eggs, beans and roasted tomatoes this is a breakfast for champs. Or for something lighter try our range of healthy poached egg pots to keep you going for your busy day ahead.
The Pancake House
Where: All villages
What’s it all about: A Center Parcs institution and an all-time guest favourite, enjoy your breakfast pancakes overlooking the beautiful lake at The Pancake House. Indulge our best seller the New York Stack of freshly cooked American pancakes, streaky bacon and a generous serving of maple syrup. Or for the more health conscious try our Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Baby Spinach American style pancakes with a dill and mustard dressing.
Where: All villages
What’s it all about: Kickstart your day with one of Starbuck’s famous, fresh coffees to get you ready for the day. Treat yourself to a selection of tasty breakfasts, including mouthwatering pastries an all-day breakfast roll and classic oatmeal, you will find something for all tastes.
Sports Café
Where: All villages
What’s it all about: Sports Café at the heart of our villages has breakfast suitable for the whole family. Dive into our Breakfast Platter, with six baps filled with your choice of Sports Café sausage or bacon and six hash browns, served with a pitcher of chilled orange juice. Perfect fuel for a busy day of activities.
Foresters Inn
Where: Sherwood Forest, Elveden Forest, Longleat Forest
What’s it all about: Experience the best of British produce for your breakfast at Forester’s Inn. Indulge in breakfast classics from Traditional Breakfast to Eggs Benedict or a lighter meal of granola or a tasty breakfast sandwich.
Stay in
Don’t fancy going out for breakfast? Why not take advantage of our full English breakfast pack, delivered straight to your lodge. Cook you and your family a hearty breakfast from the comfort of your own lodge, with everything you will need, you won’t have to worry about a thing.
Book your next Center Parcs break to try our different breakfast eateries.
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from Under the Treetops
Source Under the Treetops