Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen

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Center Parcs Vakantiebon 2025 - tot 250 euro voordeel

Center Parcs Vakantiebon Voor aankomsten in de periode van 6 januari t/m 26 september 2025 m.u.v. schoolvakanties en feestdagen. tot 250 eu...

maandag 15 november 2010

Center Parcs takes recycling one step further

Guests at Center Parcs are now able to do their bit for the environment away from home as Recycle Zones, Coca-Cola Enterprises’ (CCE) on-the-go recycling scheme, have been installed at all its UK sites.

Recycle Zones are a public facility for recycling soft drinks packaging including cans, glass and plastic bottles and aims to encourage people to recycle their soft drinks packaging when they’re out and about.

The Recycle Zone project is a partnership between Coca-Cola Enterprises, WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) and supported by the charity RECOUP (Recycling Of Used Plastics), combining each organisation’s key strengths. The scheme forms part of CCE’s sustainable packaging programme, Keep It Going, which aims to encourage people to recycle more often. Center Parcs has installed Recycle Zones at all four of their villages in
England: Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire, Elveden Forest in Suffolk, Longleat Forest in Wiltshire and Whinfell Forest in Cumbria.

Bron en hele artikel: Center Parcs UK