Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen

Aanbevolen post

Center Parcs Vakantiebon 2025 - tot 250 euro voordeel

Center Parcs Vakantiebon Voor aankomsten in de periode van 6 januari t/m 26 september 2025 m.u.v. schoolvakanties en feestdagen. tot 250 eu...

donderdag 27 september 2012

Restaurants to receive refurbishment

Center Parcs is pleased to announce that some of our restaurants will be undergoing refurbishment . Strada at Longleat Forest will be the first with work commencing on 6th November until 28th November 2012.  Center Parcs has  no firm dates for the other restaurants at this time but  Center Parcs will share these as soon as they can.
Guest who have already made a reservation during this time will be contacted directly to make alternative arrangements.

Bron: CP UK