Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen
Aanbevolen post
Center Parcs Vakantiebon 2025 - tot 250 euro voordeel
Center Parcs Vakantiebon Voor aankomsten in de periode van 6 januari t/m 26 september 2025 m.u.v. schoolvakanties en feestdagen. tot 250 eu...

maandag 22 april 2013
Center Parcs takes delivery of new electric vans
Center Parcs has took delivery of 22 new electric Renault Kangoo Maxi Van Z.E. models.
The new models were handed over recently at Sherwood Forest and will be used across Center Parcs' other UK villages including, Elveden Forest, Longleat Forest and Whinfell Forest and its forthcoming fifth village, Woburn Forest, due to open Spring 2014.
The new electric vehicles form part of a fleet of 150 vehicles and will be used by the technical services and maintenance division and the "Dining-In" takeaway delivery operation which transports food and beverages to guests.
Bron en hele artikel: fleetnews