Here’s what you may not know about the bikes at Center Parcs;
- The average Center Parcs bike will travel approximately 1,000 miles each year.
- 20% of Center Parcs guests hire a bicycle during their stay and other guests choose to bring their own.
- Center Parcs Woburn Forest have 2,300 cycles for their guests and 300 cycles for the site team including Housekeepers and Technical Services.
- The most cycles built in one day by the Center Parcs team at Woburn Forest currently stands at 182.
- The delivery of these bikes to Woburn Forest means the Center Parcs fleet of total bikes (across all Villages) has now reached more than 10,000 bikes which is one of the biggest bike fleets in the UK.
- Center Parcs Woburn Forest is on track for opening in spring 2014 and will offer short breaks to families, couples and friends across the UK, with a majority of guests expected from London and the South East.
Bron: CP UK