Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen
maandag 29 februari 2016
Center Parcs granted planning for Longford project
‘Rare’ hares seen in Center Parcs
vrijdag 26 februari 2016
Spiced up: the new Rajinda Pradesh menu launches
woensdag 24 februari 2016
De start van de meivakantie 10-daagse!
dinsdag 23 februari 2016
Win een verblijf op Center Parcs
zondag 21 februari 2016
Sunparks meivakantie aanbod
Sunparks meivakantie aanbieding bekijken
In het aanbod vindt u alle 4 vakantieparken in Belgie: Sunparks De Haan, Sunparks Kempense Meren, Sunparks Oostduinkerke en Sunparks Ardennen.
Elk park heeft het overdekte zwemparadijs Aquafun.
Tip: de Sunparks parken liggen niet ver van de bekende Plopsaland attractieparken. Met kinderen zeker een bezoek waard in de vakantie!
zaterdag 20 februari 2016
Center Parcs stimuleert bezoekers activiteiten vooraf online te boeken
vrijdag 19 februari 2016
Efteling raakt pannenkoekenrecord kwijt door Center Parcs
Daarvoor waren 213 pannenkoeken nodig. De Efteling brak het toenmalige record in oktober 2014 met een stapel van 91,2 centimeter. Personeelsleden van pannenkoekenrestaurant Polles Keuken hadden wel meer pannenkoeken nodig dan hun Britse collega's: 242 stuks.
Efteling-kok John Pijnappels liet destijds weten: "Het lijkt misschien eenvoudig, maar de afgelopen maanden hebben we flink moeten oefenen om tot de juiste werkwijze en de meest geschikte receptuur te komen." Het is niet bekend of de Efteling gaat proberen om het wereldrecord, opgenomen in het Guiness Book of World Records, terug te kapen.
Bron: looopings
Center Parcs en ILT ondertekenen convenant betreffende legionella
donderdag 18 februari 2016
Klas bedenkt nieuwe sport: 'Luchtvoetbal lijkt me cool'
De Cool Factor School Battle is een lespakket over sport en bewegen voor groep 6. Het behandelt de onderwerpen samenwerken, talentontwikkeling en bewegen. In drie lessen worden deze thema's geïntroduceerd, waarna de klas een opdracht krijgt. Zo moeten de leerlingen een plan maken om de klas fitter te krijgen, ze moeten onderzoeken welke sportieve talenten ze hebben en een geheel nieuwe sport verzinnen. De meest originele sportactiviteit wordt ontwikkeld door Center Parcs.
In groep 6 van De Griffel gaat het vandaag over talent. Leerkracht Jeroen van den Bos komt er met de leerlingen achter dat iedereen een talent heeft. Als de kinderen hun talent niet kennen, weet een medeleerling dat wel te benoemen.
Bron en hele artikel: AD
dinsdag 16 februari 2016
Nederlanders kunnen goed ontspannen tijdens een korte vakantie!
maandag 15 februari 2016
Putting the new Rajinda Pradesh children’s menu to the test
They say children can be the toughest critics. So when we set about redeveloping the children’s menu in Rajinda Pradesh, we decided to invite 11 of them to lend us their expertise and give their verdict.
Meet our tasters
- Lisa and Michael with children, Joel (four), Evan (six), and Kyro (ten)
- Adele and Craig with children Iona (20 months) and Zara (three and a half)
- Sarah and Matthew with children Ebony (nine) and Bailey (ten)
- Craig and Julie with children Coby (five), Isla (seven), Logan (13) and nephew Murray (14)
We know that eating out with children can be difficult, and that you want an easy, enjoyable, hassle-free restaurant experience on your break. And if it’s important to you, it’s important to us. So our new Rajinda Pradesh menu will feature some familiar children’s favourites which you know and love, and which can be a lifesaver when there’s nothing else there that they fancy.
But we also know that a lot of children get bored of fish fingers, and want to feel like they’re eating the same food as mum and dad. We wanted to craft a children’s menu that could be an introduction to Indian food, filled with delicious, authentic dishes that are mildly spiced but still reassuringly familiar. After all, Center Parcs is a place for new experiences.
So back in November our selected taste testers arrived at Rajinda Pradesh, Whinfell Forest, and kindly gave us an hour of their time to eat mountains of food and offer some honest feedback. Here’s how it went…
First things first
After a quick introduction from Group Executive Head Chef, James Haywood, the kitchen team brought out some starters, including a brand new idea from James – Indian spiced tomato soup. Mild, slightly sweet and based on a traditional tikka masala sauce, the soup was a runaway hit. Parents liked that it was healthier than a lot of the fried starters on menus in Indian restaurants, and the children loved dipping the naan bread ‘soldiers’. Michael said he couldn’t prise it away from Evan to try it himself!
Next up was the ‘big bhaji off’, with two potential new recipes going head to head. In the blue corner: a new, lighter tempura-style batter, lifted with zesty coriander. In the red corner: a bhaji and mashed potato mix, served on wooden lollipop sticks. The bhaji lollipops on their wooden stand excited all the children, but the softer recipe made them harder to eat. Taste-wise, the groups preferred the lighter batter, which Kyro said “tasted nicer than any other onion bhajis I’ve had.”
The main event
We tested two types of main course with the children: curries and tandoori dishes. The tandoori salmon and chicken, which are marinated in a mild spice blend and cooked on a skewer in a traditional tandoor oven, were popular with all our tasters. Adele said “this one’s a winner” and Zara declared the tikka salmon her favourite dish of the day.
The curries came with a chicken breast and, unusually, a lamb meatball option. We were testing a theory that a softer, more familiar meatball may be more palatable for younger children. The chicken was champion here though: Isla said, “I like meatballs with pasta but for a curry I prefer chicken. The meatball are a bit weird…”
Sweet stuff
Dessert can be an afterthought on menus in Indian restaurants, but not here. We handpicked a new range of ice cream flavours for our panel to taste – we won’t give away the whole selection just yet, but candy floss came out on top. Last up was a fruit lollipop – strawberries and pieces of banana dipped in melted white chocolate and finished with sprinkles. Ebony said they were “the best dessert of all” and all our parents were more than happy to help the children polish them off.
So after an hour of tasting, testing and judging, our panel went back to enjoying the rest of their break, sworn to secrecy about what they had tasted. We’ll be revealing which dishes made the menu and which got the chop on Friday 26 February, 2016. So check back here or like us on Facebook to make sure you don’t miss it.
Liked that? Try these:
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vrijdag 12 februari 2016
Ex-Center Parcs-topman James Mennekens ontleedt deze week in Trends de toeristische sector.

De Vlaming James Mennekens opent volgend jaar een nieuw vakantieproject in Henegouwen. De voormalige topman van het vakantieconcern Pierre & Vacances (P&V) Center Parcs investeert sinds 2012 in nieuwe toeristische projecten. "Wie het vastgoed negeert, doet in toerisme geen enkel project meer."
- Het Betere Boerenbed is in België nochtans onbekend.
- Waarom kiezen boeren voor Het Betere Boerenbed?
- Waarom stond Het Betere Boerenbed te koop?
- U bent ook in een project in Henegouwen gestapt, Your Nature.
- Alweer een vakantiepark.
- De investering bedraagt 37 miljoen euro, terwijl een volwassen Center Parcs 250 tot 300 miljoen kost.
- Center Parcs doet dat ook.
- En wat als het project is afgerond en alles is verkocht?
maandag 8 februari 2016
Otter-ly brilliant: pair of otters spotted at Whinfell Forest
We love it when guests send us photos from their break – especially when they’ve captured something cute and furry on film.
So cue squeals of excitement when Sarah Freeman’s email, complete with magnificent otter photos from Whinfell Forest, arrived in our inbox.
The presence of otters is always good news at a Village. They’re still a fairly rare creature in England and prefer their habitats as natural and undisturbed as possible. Happily swimming around at Whinfell Forest tells us that the lake there is a healthy, balanced ecosystem with plenty of fish for them to nibble on.
All about otters
- Otters love to play – they’re one of very few species that have been observed to engage in behaviours purely for enjoyment, such as building their own waterslides on the banks of rivers!
- They may look cute, but otters are one of England’s top water predators, feeding on fish, amphibians, waterbirds and crustaceans.
- Their babies, called ‘cubs’, are born in undergrown burrows, usually on riverbanks.
- Cubs are excellent swimmers, taking their first dip at just 10 weeks old.
- Otters use noises like whistles and twitters, as well as spitting, to communicate
- There are two main types of otter: those that live in fresh water (rivers and lakes – like the ones at Whinfell Forest), and sea otters, which live in saltwater.
Have a cracking wildlife photo of your own from Center Parcs? You can always ping them our way at
Liked that? Try these:
- Otter spotted at Longleat Forest for first time
- Why we’re taking Woburn Forest back in time
- Wildlife Watch: catching up with the Rangers
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The Pancake House breaks Guinness World Records™ title
Q: What’s the best pancake topping?
A: More pancakes.
We’ve always known it to be true – there’s nothing batter than a good pancake. And now we’re putting it on the record. Today we’ve taken our theory to new heights by breaking the Guinness World Records title for the tallest stack of pancakes.
The previous record, held by a theme park in the Netherlands, was 91.2cm. This morning that record was shattered by The Pancake House at Sherwood Forest, where the team built a towering pillar of pancakes to a flipping marvellous height of 101.8cm.
Pancake planning
To ensure this tall order didn’t fall flat as a pancake, Center Parcs’ Group Executive Head Chef, James Haywood, and and Executive Sous Chef Dave Nicholls have been practising their stacking skills since January. The final, successful attempt took 45 minutes, with the pressure mounting to the final five seconds when the tower had to stand straight and unsupported without toppling. If it all collapsed now, we may have flipped out.
James said:
“After the longest five seconds of my life, I’m so proud to say that we’ve set a new Guinness World Records title. The Pancake House is not just a nod to Center Parcs’ Dutch heritage – it’s something that is enjoyed by many families. Since we opened our doors in 1987, we’ve served enough pancakes to reach the top of Mount Everest, so it seems right that we now hold the Guinness World Records title.”
Stack facts:
- The stack consisted of 213 pancakes, which used…
- 14 bags of flour
- 700 eggs
- 26 pints of milk
After our adjudicator officially called the success, the team set to work dismantling the stack and handing them out to guests, topped with plenty of tasty treats.
Have your pancake cravings crêpe-d up on you while you read this? Check out our incredible stuffed pancake recipes, just in time for you to try on Puncake Day. Sorry, Pancake Day.
Liked that? Try these:
- Ultimate stuffed pancake recipes
- Luxury Treehouses coming to Elveden Forest
- What’s coming to Center Parcs in 2016?
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donderdag 4 februari 2016
Boek nu je tickets voor Where The Wild Things Are 2016!
Sales Manager New Foreign Markets
- Implementeren, beheren en optimaliseren van relaties met resellers en partners.
- Ontwikkelen van nieuwe partnerschappen en zorg dragen voor voldoende innovatie in huidige partnerschappen en onze merken.
- Aandrijven van inkomsten en het optimaliseren van rendement.
- Ontwikkelen en produceren van het sales jarenplan en het vertalen van het plan naar een activiteiten plan.
- Monitoren, analyseren en rapporteren van de sales resultaten op wekelijkse basis en monitoren van de statistieken op de website
- Plannen en evalueren van de maandelijkse email campagnes.
- Kennis ontwikkelen over de positionering van Center Parcs en Sunparks.
- Functioneel overleg met de business line Center Parcs Europe en met het hoofdkantoor Groupe Pierre et Vacances Center Parcs in Parijs.
woensdag 3 februari 2016
Luxury Treehouses coming to Elveden Forest
If you’re planning on booking a short break to Elveden Forest this year, your accommodation options just went from tiptop to treetop.
Today we can reveal that four luxury Treehouses are being built in the Suffolk Village, due to be complete this summer.
Work began on the Treehouses, which will be located on the secluded far west side of the Village, in December. They are due to be complete in the summer and set to be on sale to guests later in the year.
Currently only available at Sherwood Forest and Longleat Forest, the popular Treehouses are the most prestigious accommodation type we offer at Center Parcs. Take a look around our Google tour, and you’ll find stunning contemporary décor in each of the four bedrooms and living areas. Floor-to-ceiling retractable doors open onto a large outdoor terrace, where you and your family can either relax in the bubbling hot tub and soothing sauna, or head to the private games room to play pool and video games.
Created for up to eight guests, families can take their pick of three en-suite rooms on the lower level or the master suite on the upper level, separated by an awe-inspiring carved spiral staircase. Whichever room you choose, each one has a private balcony so you can soak up the forest views as you wake up, or stargaze before slumber.
John Nicholas, Accommodation Projects Manager, said: “This is the biggest new-build project I’ve worked on in the 8 years I’ve been here.” He added: “The Treehouses are on the absolute premium end of the scale. Their addition to Elveden Forest adds another level of accommodation and service to guests, and they’re the ultimate environment for families to enjoy their time together.”
Keep visiting Under the Treetops for updates on the Treehouse build, or subscribe here to get monthly news and competitions direct to your inbox.
Like that? Try these
- The 5 most amazing treehouses you’ll ever see
- 25 things you probably didn’t know about Elveden Forest
- Explore our Google virtual tours
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Win his and hers Valentine’s Day gifts
Let us take the hassle, the stress, the expense and the last-minute dash to the shops out of Valentine’s Day. We’ve picked out two beautiful rose gold pieces – a ‘his and hers’ if you will – from the beautiful range at Time for Shade.
And you could win both – so not only do you get all the brownie points for a beautiful Valentine’s gift, but you get something stunning for yourself too.
The Star Dust Bead Bracelet from Links of London is made from diamond cut rose gold-hued sterling silver, with tiny planes and surfaces that catch the light as it moves. A cylinder encrusted with cubic zirconia hangs “like an orb in the galaxy”, sparkling at its centre, while the sleek magnetic clasp makes it easy to secure.
Henry London designs are the epitome of vintage-meets-modern, inspired by a watch found at Portobello Road market with ‘Henry, August 1965’ engraved on the back. The ‘Richmond’ chronograph is based on that same timepiece, with a classically proportioned 39mm case in rose gold.
The pair of you can ever-so-subtley co-ordinate with these his and hers pieces.
Accessories like these plus much more besides are available from Time for Shade on each of our Villages. There, you’ll find sunglasses, watches, jewellery and perfume from luxury brands such as Michael Kors, Dior, Ray-Ban, Gucci, Citizens and Emprio Armani.
To be in with a chance of winning, simply tell us: why your special someone deserves a bit of designer arm candy this Valentine’s Day. Email your answer along with your name, contact number and postal address to
The competition will close at midnight, Wednesday 10 February, 2016.
*Terms and conditions
- The Center Parcs ‘Valentine’s Day competition’ competition (the Promotion) is open to UK residents only, aged 18 and over, except employees of Center Parcs (the Promoter), their families, agents or anyone professionally connected with the Promotion.
- To take part in the promotion, email your name, address and why your Valentine deserves to win, to
- There is no entry fee and no purchase is necessary to enter the promotion.
- The promotion will run from 10am (GMT) on Thursday 4th February 2016 until midnight (GMT) on Wednesday 10th February 2016. This period will be known as the Promotion Period. Any entries outside the Promotion Period will not be counted.
- The prize winner will be selected by the Promoter.
- There is one prize of one Links of London rose gold bracelet and one Henry London rose gold watch.
- The decision of the Promoter in relation to the promotion is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
- No information regarding entries or judging will be disclosed to any third party not involved in the conduct of the Promotion.
- The prize is not transferable, re-saleable or exchangeable. There is no cash alternative.
- The Promoter reserves the right to substitute any of the prize products subject to availability.
- The winners will be contacted by Wednesday 10th February 2016 by email.
- The winner must respond to notification of their prize by Friday 12th February 2016. If the winner does not respond by this date, the Promoter will select an alternative winner.
- The winner agrees to the use of his/her name and image in any publicity material.
- By entering, the participants consent to receive news, offers and promotions from Center Parcs via email, SMS, phone and mail.
- By entering, the participants are providing their information to Center Parcs and not to any other party. Any personal information provided will be used in conjunction with the Center Parcs Privacy Policy which you can see online at
- By entering, participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the Terms and Conditions. All entry instructions form part of these Terms and Conditions.
- No entries from agents, third parties, organised groups or applications automatically generated by computers will be accepted. No incomplete or corrupted entries will be accepted. Any entries not in accordance with the entry instructions will be rejected.
- In the event of unforeseen circumstances the Promoter reserves the right to offer alternative prizes of equal or greater value.
- The Promoter reserves the right to amend, alter or terminate this promotion at any time due to circumstances beyond its control.
- The Promoter’s decision is final and binding in all matters relating to the Promotion.
- The Promoter can accept no responsibility for, and reserves the right to refuse, entries which are corrupt, incomplete or fail to arrive by the closing date.
- No social media website (such as Facebook, twitter or any other such website) are sponsors of the Promotion and have no responsibility or liability regarding the conduct or administration of the Promotion.
- These rules are governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
- The Promoter of the Promotion is Center Parcs (Operating Company) Limited, registered in England, company number 04379585. The registered address is Head Office, One Edison Rise, New Ollerton, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG22 9DP.
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Cherries or chocolate – choose your side with our stuffed pancake recipes
Last year, our food writer, stylist and photographer Claire shared five of her all-time favourite pancake recipes with us. Since then, she’s brought us posts about prawn laksa from Thailand, American-inspired pumpkin French toast and even her easy peasy take on French patisserie.
So with Pancake Day rolling around again, it seems only right that she picked two spectacular stuffed pancake recipes from opposite sides of the world.
The blintz is a centuries-old recipe originating in Russia and Eastern Europe, filled with sweet and tart fruit. The Nutella-stuffed buttermilk pancake, on the other hand, is an American invention and a Pinterest favourite.
Psst! If you’ve tried this particular one before and ended up with a burnt chocolate mess that you had to scrape out the frying pan and eat anyway because now you’re not only hungry but also annoyed at your lack of culinary prowess (I may be speaking from experience here) then fear not! Claire has a trick that ensures they turn out perfectly every time.
Claire’s stuffed pancakes
These Cherry Blintzes ooze with cool ricotta, sweet cream cheese and tangy cherries. They’re as great for weekend brunches as they are for a special Shrove Tuesday treat if you have a sweet tooth.
Meanwhile, if you have a whole set of sweet gnashers, my second recipe might be right up your street. To fill anything with chocolate seems to be an American passion, so I couldn’t resist trying Nutella-filled buttermilk pancakes. My ‘chocolate coin’ technique came around by trial and error, and it makes everything a whole lot easier.
Let us know in the comments which one you’d prefer.
Cherry Blintzes
Note: the blintz batter is slightly thicker than a normal pancake mix, with an extra egg. This makes it hold together better so you can fill and fold it.
Serves two (double up the quantities for four)
For the pancakes:
80g flour
30g icing sugar
2 large eggs
120ml milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
For the filling:
120g Ricotta cheese
120g cream cheese
40g icing sugar
Finely grated zest of one lemon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Cherry compote, cherry jam or fresh cherries
1. Mix the flour and icing sugar in a large bowl then gradually whisk in the eggs and milk
2. Leave the batter in the fridge for an hour to rest
3. Mix all the filling ingredients (apart from the cherries) together in a bowl and chill these too
4. Lightly grease and preheat a non-stick frying pan until fairly hot
5. Pour in enough batter to thinly cover the bottom of the pan
6. When the edges turn golden, flip and cook the second side
7. Cool the pancakes on some kitchen paper
8. Place a generous spoonful of the cream cheese filling on each pancake near the bottom (you can add some cherries here too if you like)
9. Roll the pancake over once, fold in the sides and then roll until you have a little pancake burrito
Tip: you can prepare them to this stage, refrigerate and then cook as you need them
10. Warm a little butter in the pan and cook each blintz gently on each side until extra golden
11. Dust with icing sugar and serve with your cherries/compote/jam
Chocolate filled buttermilk pancakes
Tip: you can make a big batch of chocolate spread ‘coins’ and keep them frozen in a container for whenever you fancy a melting, chocolate stuffed pancake.
Serves two – double up the quantities for four
For the pancakes:
125g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
150ml milk (or 75ml milk and 75ml buttermilk)
For the filling:
Chocolate or hazelnut spread
1. Spoon tablespoons of your chocolate spread onto a baking tray covered in greaseproof paper. Flatten them out with the spoon until they are like big chocolate coins – around 1/2cm thick. Place in the freezer for a couple of hours.
2. Mix the flour and baking powder in a bowl then gradually whisk in the eggs and milk
3. Lightly grease and preheat a non-stick frying pan to a medium heat
4. Add a large tablespoon of batter and drop a chocolate spread disk into the centre
5. Cover the chocolate with a little more batter and spread it out to cover any gaps
6. When golden, flip it and cook the other side
7. Repeat until you’ve used all your batter
8. Serve with whatever you fancy; strawberries, blueberries and, of course, messy chocolatey faces
Liked that? Try these:
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Source Under the Treetops
dinsdag 2 februari 2016
How to take better family holiday photos
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but if you’re less than familiar with the myriad settings of your camera, sometimes those words are “blurry”, “you cut off my feet” and “why does my face look like that?”
A few simple tips and hints can transform the way you take photos. Our staff take photos for guests every day, so we were keen to offer them some training. We brought in professional photographer Matt Brodie to take some of our staff through the ins and outs of photography, from smartphones to state-of-the-art DSLR cameras.
After a bit of theory in the morning, the group was split into teams and sent into the forest, armed with a camera, and tasked to put what they’d learned into practice. Maxine is a water sports instructor at Sherwood Forest, and said:
“Working at the lake, we take photos of guests 15 or 20 times a day. Now I can take a photo that looks a bit better than the usual standard. I’ve learnt some great tips today, from basics like turning a phone landscape or even just holding a big DSLR properly so I don’t feel like I’m going to drop it off the edge of the jetty!”
I asked Matt if it really is something that anyone can pick up. He said: “There’s an art to photography, no doubt. But in large part, it’s a skill set like anything else, so it can be learned. If you’ve got the right teacher, absolutely, anyone can be taught to take a decent photo.”
By the end of the day, our staff were snapping away with confidence, having been taught how to compose, frame, focus and expose a good photo.
If you want to upgrade your holiday snaps next time you join us for a family break, follow Matt’s tips…
Matt’s top ten tips for improving your family photos
- Get flashy
Using a smartphone or a digital camera? Try using flash – a little bit of light will fill in the shadows in faces and help them ‘pop’. The flash automatically stops when there’s enough light so your shots won’t end up over-exposed.
- Never work with children and animals…
…from your height! When photographing your children or pets, always get down to their level. It gives prominence to the subject.
- Focus, focus, focus
When using a smartphone, you might notice the focus change right when you’ve set up the perfect shot. Tapping the screen sets the focus, but holding your finger down actually locks it, so you can adjust or reposition the shot without losing the perfect focus.
- Consider the environment
Unless you’re intent on taking a close-up, don’t go super tight with your framing. Show some of the environment around your subject. You can always crop into a photo later but you can’t crop out!
- Give yourself options
Unless you’re shooting something obviously tall and thin, then landscape is generally the best orientation because it imitates our field of view (our eyes are next to each other, not on top of each other). But if in doubt, take one landscape and one portrait option – you can always delete one later.
- Try autopilot
If you’re handed a DSLR camera to take a photo with – or you’ve bought one yourself and are still getting the hang of it – then the ‘auto’ setting is your friend. Look for the little green ‘A’. It takes care of exposure, focus and aperture, leaving you to only worry about framing and zooming.
- Back it up
Our photos go on a memory card which lives in a drawer. We end up losing, forgetting or overwriting the card and the photos are lost forever. Put them on a computer or hard drive as soon as you can.
- Touch it up
Most computers have some basic photo editing software (such as iPhoto or Windows Photo Viewer) which can help you lighten, brighten, crop and resize images without the need for anything as advanced as Photoshop.
- Hard copies
We take more photos than ever but we never look at them anymore. When you get back from your holiday, go old school and actually print a few out to put up around your house, or make a photo book online to remind you of your time together forever.
- Just shoot
Don’t get hung up on technology and technique – there’s a reason we love photos. They can take us back to a wonderful moment and that should be treasured. Even if technically a photo may be poorly composed or executed, if it makes you happy when you look at it, it’s a great photo.
Want to learn more about photography? Check out Matt’s Youtube channel for more advanced tutorials.
Liked that? Try these:
- link 1
- link 2
- link 3
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maandag 1 februari 2016
We need your votes! Center Parcs nominated for ‘Best UK Holiday Provider’ award
The number 13 may be unlucky for some, but we’re hoping for some good fortune after being nominated in the coveted ‘Best UK Holiday Provider’ category of the Tommy’s Awards. Last last year, over two million parents nominated the brands and companies that help make life a little easier for families with young children and babies.
Offering short breaks that the whole family can enjoy – without all the hassle and stress that often accompanies travelling with small children – we were honoured to be nominated once again.
We are proud to have won the Tommy’s Best UK Holiday award for the past 12 years. But that’s down to your votes, and we can’t win it again without your continued support.
Voting is open until 5pm on Wednesday 10 February, 2016, and everyone who votes will have a chance to win a holiday at Flamingo Beach Resort, Lanzarote, courtesy of First Choice.
Cast your vote for Center Parcs.
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