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dinsdag 1 maart 2016

Review your favourite book to win

“I do believe something very magical can
happen when you read a good book.”
J. K. Rowling

World Book Day Giveaway

We like to bang on about the importance of reading. In the last year, we’ve interviewed an award-winning children’s author, talked about the positive effect it has on children’s health and literacy, brought you our pick of the best 15 children’s books around, and even created a write-your-own interactive story.

So it only seemed right that we celebrate the fantastic World Book Day in a big way.

What is World Book Day all about?

It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and reading. According to UNESCO, it’s the biggest worldwide celebration of books and reading there is, marked in over 100 countries.

World Book Day is held on Thursday 3 March, 2016. Its main aim is to encourage children to explore books and discover a love of reading. More than 14 million children receive a £1 book token that they can use to buy a book of their choice, including this year’s range of specially published £1 books.

What can I win?

We have three bundles of the brilliant World Book Day books to give away to our readers. Each prize includes a copy of every special edition £1 book, from classics like Kipper and Roald Dahl to modern favourites such as Star Wars and The World of Norm.

All you have to do is send us a review of your favourite book in 50 words or fewer. We’ll pick our favourites, which will feature here on Under the Treetops, and the winners will each receive a bumper book bundle.

How do I enter?

Email your book review to along with your name, age and contact details. Entries must arrive before midnight on Sunday 13 March, 2016.

Full terms and conditions here.

Good luck and happy reading!

The post Review your favourite book to win appeared first on Under the Treetops.

from Under the Treetops
Source Under the Treetops