Center Parcs Bungalowparken: Nieuws, Acties, Aanbiedingen en kortingen

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Center Parcs Vakantiebon 2025 - tot 250 euro voordeel

Center Parcs Vakantiebon Voor aankomsten in de periode van 6 januari t/m 26 september 2025 m.u.v. schoolvakanties en feestdagen. tot 250 eu...

zondag 27 juni 2021

Vernieuwde vakantiehuizen in Les Trois Forêts in Frankrijk

In vakantiepark Les Trois Forêts, in Frankrijk, zijn de bouwteams druk bezig met het vernieuwen van de accommodaties en wij geven hier een sneak preview! Geïnspireerd door de natuur zijn de vernieuwde accommodaties uitgerust in natuurlijke kleuren, rijke aankleding, dierenmotieven en natuurlijke materialen. 

0:40 in het interieur van de vernieuwde Comfort cottages is er speelsheid toegevoegd door felle kleuren te gebruiken en dier- en bladermotieven toe te passen in de accessoires. 

1:30 in de vernieuwde Premium cottages vind je veel kleurnuances terug uit de natuur en geniet je van extra services zoals een tweede TV in de slaapkamer.

2:34 voor ultieme ontspanning kies je voor een vernieuwde VIP cottage met o.a. een wellness badkamer met sauna, bubbelbad of regendouche.

Bron: Center Parcs

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

zaterdag 26 juni 2021

Uit eten met een goed verhaal

Zeg je vakantie, dan zeg je lekker uit eten met z’n allen. Gezelligheid aan tafel, drankje erbij en natuurlijk smullen van de lekkerste gerechten. Dus… op naar de Market Dome, want daar vind je voor elk wat wils! Onze restaurants serveren je trouwens niet alleen het lekkerste eten, maar ook nog eens een smakelijk verhaal. Of je nou kiest voor Italiaans, grillgerechten, het verse buffet of een snelle snack.

Nonna’s: authentiek Italiaans uit een oud kookschrift

Rond 1960 trouwt Nonna in een rustig provinciestadje in Zuid-Italië met Giuseppe. Terwijl Giuseppe in de lokale steengroeve werkt, zorgt Nonna voor het huishouden en zwaait ze met de pollepel in de keuken. Op een dag slaat het noodlot toe: Giuseppe komt niet meer thuis van de steengroeve en Nonna staat er alleen voor.

Evergreenz: het goede leven op het platteland

Vervlogen tijden herleven: Evergreenz staat voor het goede leven, waarin het gezin en harmonie centraal staan. Herinneringen aan prille meidagen, zwoele zomeravonden en mooie najaarsmiddagen komen voorbij.

Fuego!: vuur en vlammen stemmen de goden gunstig

Nadat Columbus Zuid-Amerika ontdekte en de Spanjaarden de jungle introkken op zoek naar zilver, troffen ze een mysterieuze tempel aan. Op muurschilderingen beeldde het oude volk de wens uit om de vuurgeest Atula gunstig te stemmen. Anders zou grote tegenspoed hun rampzalige lot zijn.

Frites Affairs: gooi de teugels even los

De superfood-adviezen van dieetgoeroes en foodbloggers vliegen ons om de oren. We zoeken ons heil in exotische producten en alles ‘moet’ gezond. Maar laat je niet gek maken…Gooi af en toe de teugels even los! Met friet. Bij Frites Affairs bereiden we hem ambachtelijk, en snijden we hem met de schil. Zo is onze friet altijd krokant, niet te zout en zeker niet te vet.

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

donderdag 24 juni 2021

Elijah – Together For Short Lives

Children’s Hospice Week is run by our charity partner, Together for Short Lives, and is very close to our hearts. Families caring for a seriously ill child are pushed to their limits – caring around the clock can leave them feeling exhausted and alone. Our children’s hospices must never be pushed to theirs.
With the numbers of children with life-limiting conditions rising, children’s hospices need our support to ensure they can help as many families as possible. Families like Elijah and his mum Natasha…


“It’s nice to go somewhere where you don’t have to worry about fitting in.”

For Natasha and her two-year-old son, Elijah, going for ‘normal’ trips out as a family could be a challenge even before Covid-19 hit. He is unable to walk, talk or see and even simple things like going to the play park just don’t work, they’re not accessible enough and it all just becomes too stressful.

Not like their local children’s hospice, Little Havens, which Natasha calls their “safe haven”. She says “Everything is just tailor made for kids like Elijah –  the sensory room, hoists, bath, gardens. It’s nice to go somewhere where you don’t have to worry about fitting in.”


‘We knew straight away something was wrong’

Even before birth, it was not a straightforward journey for the family.

Natasha says, “We knew from the 28 week scan that Elijah had too much fluid in his brain, but we never had the chance to investigate further as I went into pre-term labour on the day they were due to start tests. Elijah was born four days later. His skin was so damaged, we knew straight away something was wrong.”

Just hours after his premature birth the doctors and dermatologists diagnosed Elijah with a rare virus infection called Congenital HSV. This has caused a number of other complex conditions which affect Elijah’s brain and development.


‘Tailor-made for children like Elijah’

When Elijah started getting infantile spasms at five-months-old, hospital visits and an array of medical equipment became a mainstay in their lives. They needed support and the right environment for Elijah to flourish. And that’s when their local children’s hospice came in.

“I’ve always known Elijah was life-limited and he was likely to not live into adulthood. I’ll always take what support is offered if it’s of benefit to Elijah and myself” says Natasha. “The hospice is just beautiful and everything is tailor-made for children with disabilities and life-limiting conditions. We especially love the pool. It’s our favourite part. Elijah has issues regulating his temperature and is always cold so needs a pool that is consistently warm.”


Losing that new-found freedom

Suddenly though, all those new experiences and sense of space and freedom came to a halt for Natasha and her baby boy. When Covid took hold, Natasha and Elijah needed to shield at her parents’ house, confined to just one room for 12 weeks to minimise the risk of them catching the infection.


‘Helping us get the best out of life’

Moving into their own house over Christmas, Natasha and Elijah are now back receiving that all-important children’s hospice support from Little Havens: “The people at Little Havens understand Elijah’s needs, they’re enthusiastic at helping us get the best out of his life, and everything is tailored to allow us to do that.”


There are no limits to what Little Havens children’s hospice will do for families like Elijah’s.
But right now, hospices like them are being pushed to their limits. We are proud to support the UK’s children’s hospices and hope you will join us too.
Will you push yourself to your limits, so children’s hospices aren’t pushed to theirs? #ChildrensHospiceWeek

For more information and to donate click here

The post Elijah – Together For Short Lives appeared first on Village Life.

from Village Life
Source Village Life

of kiest u liever voor Landal of Roompot
Liever een kijkje of verblijf bij Droomparken, Topparken, Molecaten of RCN

Nieuwe Water Factory op Erperheide

In de vernieuwde Aqua Mundo spetter je rond in een gloednieuw Water Playhouse – een Water Factory waar de kids een hele ontdekkingstocht beleven en water uit alle hoeken en gaten komt. Wij mochten er een kijkje gaan nemen en keken onze ogen uit.

Als je de Aqua Mundo binnen stapt en naar achter loopt dan zie je in de verte al het grote waterrat en de pijpleidingen. We horen er ook geluiden uit komen. Dit is allemaal zo imposant dat je er erg nieuwsgierig van word. Hier word je naar toe getrokken, daar moet je gaan kijken. En dat gingen we dan ook doen.

Bron en hele artikel: Center Parcs Forum

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

dinsdag 22 juni 2021

See inside the forest with our latest nature notes

Sherwood Forest

During April, we saw plenty of migrating birds arriving on our village, with the familiar call of the chiffchaff and the singing of the willow warbler signalling the start of spring. The majority of chiffchaff will have spent winter in the Mediterranean and Western Africa, before moving northwards to nest in our cooler, wetter climate. The willow warblers tend to migrate more than 5,000 miles from sub-Saharan Africa to nest – their eggs weigh about the same as a 1p coin! Both birds will start returning to warmer climates as autumn approaches.

We’ve also noticed swallows and a sand martin swooping over the lake – both birds eat ‘on-the-wing’, flying over waterways to catch and eat insects mid-flight. In previous years, we’ve had a pair of swallows nest on the village, so we’re keeping a close eye out for them this year.

So far, we’ve counted four long-tailed tit nests – these are built in areas of gorse and camouflaged with lichen and spiders’ webs to protect the eggs from predators.

We’ve also spotted seven badger cubs at our main sett and they’re starting to explore further afield – we’ve even seen evidence of them at the Creepy Crawlies activity area.


Elveden Forest

In Suffolk, it’s been a later arrival for our summer visitors, with swallows arriving almost two weeks later than in previous years and brambling staying around a lot longer! We’ve also spotted three endangered species – the lesser redpoll, fieldfare and redwing – during our breeding bird survey, as well as two more endangered species – tree pipits and yellowhammers – and some of our more common birds including a red kite, bullfinches, stonechats, woodlarks, house martins and crossbills.

In exciting news, we also spotted redstarts, which are a species which are scarce in Thetford Forest. We are hoping they may breed this year.

We’ve also spied a ruby-tailed wasp, which doesn’t share the synonymous yellow and black stripes of the common wasp – instead it has red, blue, green and bronze metallic hues.


Longleat Forest

During our closure period, our roe deer population ventured out of their usual sanctuary and were spotted resting next to lodges. They’ve since retreated back to the quieter parts of the forest, but keep your eyes open, as they’re regularly spotted by eagle-eyed guests.

For several days, we observed a pair of red kites descending below the treeline and calling – we think this behaviour (which is out of the ordinary for them) might mean they were looking for a place to nest, but we’ve not seen them recently. We’ve also spotted a female sparrowhawk in the woodland and we have a pair of buzzards nesting in a Douglas fir.

Our team of rangers also spotted a seldom seen mammal nesting in one of the mammal survey tins – a pygmy shrew!


Whinfell Forest

The red squirrel population remains healthy and has been keeping the rangers company during the closure period! We’ve also spotted a number of birds in our breeding bird survey, including yellowhammers, goldcrests, nuthatches, coal tits, blue tits, great tits, great spotted woodpeckers, buzzards, oystercatchers and a heron.

The mammal population has been particularly active at Whinfell Forest, with two new inhabitants in the lake – a pair of otters! Our staff have nicknamed them Whinnie and Pennie (short for Whinfell and Penrith) and, while one of the pair is a little more camera shy, the other has been showing off their fishing prowess for staff and guests alike. We’ve also spotted a fox taking up a nightly patrol and we’ve seen evidence of some new badger setts.


Woburn Forest

Early last year, a pair of swans arrived and made themselves at home on the lake but, as the summer came, they moved on. However, like a lot of our guests, they couldn’t stay away and they were back before the end of 2020. In April, we noticed they had built a nest and, in May, we were rewarded with the sight of six cygnets!

One less cute, but equally interesting, resident is the St Mark’s fly, so called because they’re supposed to emerge on 25th April (St Mark’s Day). The fly has a very short lifespan and is only in flight for one week. Much of their life is spent as larva in the soil – they feed during autumn and winter then, as spring arrives, the males emerge followed by the females a few days later. After mating, the females lay their eggs and die soon afterwards. A short but fascinating life!


Longford Forest

After an initial sighting of just three ducklings, our lake is now a hive of activity, with ducks, swans and a pair of herons spotted. We’re also thrilled to see the grass meadows growing up, ready for the fallow deer to graze on as they prepare to calf their fawns. Our wildflower meadows are looking beautiful and will provide sustenance for the bees and butterflies that are starting to emerge.

Elsewhere on the village, there are baby blackbirds, blue tits and robins who are gearing up to take their first flight and, based on the calling heard from the woodland around the car park, our sparrowhawk has once again nested in the trees.

Finally, if the old saying is to be believed, we’re in for a nice, dry summer! Our oak trees burst into life before the ash this year and, as we all know, “Oak before ash, in for a splash. Ash before oak, in for a soak!”


To book your Center Parcs break and see what nature you can discover, visit our website here 


The post See inside the forest with our latest nature notes appeared first on Village Life.

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Source Village Life

of kiest u liever voor Landal of Roompot
Liever een kijkje of verblijf bij Droomparken, Topparken, Molecaten of RCN

Center Parcs to spend €85m on Longford resort expansion

Center Parcs is to spend €85m expanding its forest resort in Co Longford, with the creation of 250 permanent jobs once the development is complete.

It said 200 additional accommodation lodges are to be built, including four luxury tree houses, while existing guest facilities are to be extended at the Ballymahon resort.

The company also said 300 temporary positions are to be created during the construction phase of the project.

Site surveying and design is to begin immediately and the company hopes to submit a planning application to Longford County Council by the end of the year.

If permission is granted next year, Center Parcs hopes to be able to begin construction in 2023.

Bron en hele artikel: RTE

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

maandag 21 juni 2021

Reopening, relaxation and Ronnie the robotic pool cleaner – a behind the scenes look at how Aqua Sana works

Hi Adam, thanks for taking the time to show us behind the scenes at Aqua Sana! Firstly, can you tell us about your role at Center Parcs?

I started working at Center Parcs 20 years ago in the Subtropical Swimming Paradise. I basically watched Aqua Sana Sherwood Forest being built and, when it opened in 2003, I started working there. In my role, I’m really making sure everything is running smoothly and safely for our guests. Myself and my team are all lifeguard trained and first aid trained, so we’re available in case anyone needs medical help and we also work alongside our Maintenance Technician to make sure all the equipment is kept maintained and the water quality levels are monitored throughout the day.

So, what does a typical day opening up the spa look like?

We have quite a big cleaning team – as you can imagine, it takes a lot of effort to keep the spa sparkling. While they get to work, we start our safety checks – that includes physically checking each room, paying particular attention to the seating and floor. In the rooms with tiles, we’re checking to make sure nothing has come loose or chipped and in the rooms with wooden benches, we’re checking there’s nothing sharp that could hurt someone. We also go into each plant room and switch the rooms on. Each room and zone has its own specific ‘feel’ so we check the lighting is right and the correct music is playing.

What’s a plant room? It sounds more like something you’d find in a garden centre than a spa!

Very different plants! The plant rooms contain all the equipment and machinery to keep that specific experience running – here at Sherwood Forest, we have a plant room for each heat experience, one for the outdoor hot tubs and one for the spa pool. When we arrive in the morning, we switch on the heat and, for the steam rooms, the steam generators. We also have the individual fragrances for each room which are filtered into the experience and we control the lighting from the plant rooms as well. We have some fragrances which were designed especially for our experiences, like the cherrywood fragrance in the Forest Glade, and then we have some of the more typical spa fragrances like jasmine in the Salt Steam Room and eucalyptus and menthol in the Alpine Steam.

Wow, so it’s really not a case of just switching one machine on! What about the hot tubs and pool?

The hot tubs and spa pool are slightly different – we don’t actually switch them off overnight. We turn them right down, so they’re using as little energy as possible and cover them over to retain the heat, which is actually more energy efficient than letting them go cold and then heating them back up again. We also have water quality monitors which are testing the water all day and will alert us if the levels of chlorine or pH drop too low or go too high. We do our own manual testing every two hours as well, just as an extra safety measure.

We know sustainability and energy efficiency are important to Center Parcs. Are there any other ways you’re saving energy?

The spa here at Sherwood Forest is actually powered by biogas (a renewable gas) and we have energy saving invertors on any machinery that consumes a lot of power. We run our hot tubs like a swimming pool, using UV filtration, which means we don’t have to empty and re-fill them constantly, cutting down on our water consumption. We also reuse the water from the spa pool and hot tubs – when guests get into the water, the level rises and some of the water is forced out and spills over into our balance tanks, where it’s filtered and returned to the pool and hot tubs when the water level is low.

So how do you keep the pool clean without draining it?

At some points it will have to be drained – for example, we completely retiled it while we were closed – and so we’ll give it a good clean then, but every other day, we use Ronnie.


Ronnie’s our underwater vacuum – he’s an honorary member of the team! He goes up and down the pool cleaning the tiles and has sensors so that he can go up the walls of the pool as well. You do have to keep an eye on him though – he has a tendency to stop for a break when he reaches the Jacuzzi!

What about the other members of the team? Are they all back to work now?

We’ve pretty much got the full team back now, which is great, and we’ll have everyone back in the next few weeks. Our therapists have been back for a while as they’ve been performing treatments, and my team needed to come back to do their refresher lifeguard and first aid training. There’s also some coronavirus specific refresher training for everyone. Because we work in quite a close contact environment, especially the therapists, we’ve put a lot of time into supporting people’s return to work and making sure they feel completely comfortable with all the safety measures we’ve put in place. It’s important that we recognise that everyone will feel slightly different right now – some people are excited to get back to normality and some people are still a bit nervous.

What changes can guests expect to see in the spa?

The most exciting thing is that we can open our saunas and steam rooms again – they’ve only been open for a very short period of time over the last year so it’s amazing to get back to some sort of normality and have all the experiences running again. We were testing them in the run-up to reopening and it was great to walk around and feel the heat coming from the rooms and breathe in all the different fragrances. The biggest change is probably the time limits on the heat experiences – we’re following government guidance, so we’re only able to allow people to stay in the heat experiences for 15 minutes at a time, and then we have to clean the room and leave it for 10 minutes before anyone else can use it. But the good news is, the relaxation areas and spa pools don’t have a time limit. And a lot of the feedback we’ve had is that 15 minutes is quite often enough for most people – we do have some pretty hot experiences!

What about social distancing?

We’ve put a one-way system in place, which actually helps create a natural route for guests, taking you from the slightly cooler experiences that help warm your body up, round to the really hot lava-inspired experiences. Each experience has been measured and had a seating plan created, which you’ll see on the doors to show you where to sit to maintain that distance and, for some experiences, like the waterbeds, we’ve added screens. We’ve also added more ventilation into the rooms to increase the air flow, without taking anything away from the experience. And our team are

dotted around the spa ready to direct you and answer any questions. We’re also keeping the number of people in the spa low to give everyone plenty of space.

And can guests still book treatments?

Absolutely! We’ve been offering treatments at most of our spas since 12th April, including some new treatments we’ve designed ourselves using our own products. We’ve got a great cleansing ritual to start every treatment that makes sure both the therapist and guest feel confident in the safety measures and we’ve added extra time between treatments to allow us to deep clean the rooms.

We’re obviously all looking forward to a time when all these extra measures aren’t needed anymore. Do you think any of the changes are here to stay?

There are some things that have worked really well and actually added to the guest experience, which we’ll definitely look at keeping. It’s also shown us how brilliantly creative our teams can be – for example, we started giving out robes and towels in an Aqua Sana bag with a name tag on, which meant people wouldn’t accidentally pick someone else’s robe up. And with our waterbeds, we’ve created a system where guests can add a blanket to the bed while they use it, then remove it afterwards – when we initially reopened in the summer, we couldn’t have blankets on the beds which obviously made them less inviting! This way, we can still create a cosy experience but it remains safe for everyone. The last year has definitely shown how we can all think outside the box!

The post Reopening, relaxation and Ronnie the robotic pool cleaner – a behind the scenes look at how Aqua Sana works appeared first on Village Life.

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Source Village Life

of kiest u liever voor Landal of Roompot
Liever een kijkje of verblijf bij Droomparken, Topparken, Molecaten of RCN

zondag 20 juni 2021

De obers zijn op

Personeelskrapte zorgt voor grote problemen in de horeca. Sommige ondernemers vragen familieleden of vrienden om bij te springen, anderen houden het restaurant enkele dagen in de week noodgedwongen dicht.

De branchevereniging Koninklijke Horeca Nederland schat dat bijna een kwart van de 450.000 horecamedewerkers in coronatijd is uitgestroomd. Een groot deel keerde niet terug.

Alleen al voor de komende maanden zoekt uitzender Randstad vijfduizend mensen voor de horeca. Het gaat niet alleen om personeel in restaurants, hotels of strandtenten. Ook voor de catering op vakantieparken als Roompot en Center Parcs, in de restaurants van Van Gogh en het Rijksmuseum, in diverse bedrijfsrestaurants, op Schiphol en voor de Ziggo Dome zijn medewerkers hard nodig.

Bron en hele artikel: AD

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

zaterdag 19 juni 2021

De vogeltjes (birdies van Center Parcs): Wat moet je ermee?

Weer of geen weer, in elk park geniet je van de unieke Center Parcs ervaring. Met compleet ingerichte cottages in de natuur, tropische sferen in subtropisch zwemparadijs Aqua Mundo en een mix van activiteiten voor jong en oud. Maar er zijn ook verschillen. Dat maakt Center Parcs duidelijk met het aantal ‘Birdies’. Van gemoedelijk tot de ultieme Center Parcs-beleving in een van de 5-Birdies parken.

Beleef de ultieme ervaring in de 5-Birdies parken

In de 5-Birdies parken beleef je de últieme Center Parcs ervaring. Hier vind je het grootste aanbod aan activiteiten, entertainment en de grootste variatie aan accommodaties. Met de mooiste faciliteiten waar je even stil van wordt. Ervaar de WOW! factor, midden in een prachtig landschap.Geniet van alle 3- en 4-Birdies activiteiten en faciliteiten, met aanvullend:

  • Bijzondere verblijven, zoals Woonboten, Boomhuizen, thema-cottages, Kindercottages én het nieuwe luxeniveau: Exclusive cottages (5).
  • Unieke glijbanen in subtropisch zwemparadijs Aqua Mundo.
  • Overdekte speelwerelden, zoals de Discovery Bay en de Jungle Dome (6).
  • Het meest uitgebreide aanbod aan activiteiten, zoals interactieve voetbalmuren, watersport en ontelbare kinderactiviteiten.
  • Uitgebreide wellness met sauna’s, massages en lichaamsbehandelingen (7).

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

donderdag 17 juni 2021

Beleef de echte zomervibes bij Center Parcs deze zomer

Voor een onvergetelijke zomervakantie vol zonnige zomervibes blijf je lekker dicht bij huis. De nieuwe Zomer Hotspot is dé buitenspot om te chillen en je eindeloos te vermaken: zitzakken, muziek, sfeerverlichting, koele drankjes … En niet te vergeten de vele zomerse familieactiviteiten, de gelegenheid om te zwemmen, watersporten en te spelen op het strand. Samen geniet je van een fantastische zomerbreak dicht bij huis.

De leukste (nieuwe) zomeractiviteiten
  • Bijna alle parken in Nederland bieden verkoeling: de zee of een meer met strand* is altijd op loopafstand van je cottage. Met volop gelegenheid om te zwemmen, te luieren op het strand of voor watersport: wakeboarden, windsurfen, Aqua Park-plezier, waterfietsen en nog veel meer. 
  • Voel de vibes bij de nieuwe Zomer Hotspot**, denk aan een grote tent met strandstoelen, zitzakken en sfeerverlichting. Een plek om je eindeloos te vermaken met elke dag weer nieuwe zomerse familieactiviteiten* of om lekker te chillen met zonnige muziek en koele drankjes. 
  • Je eigen hut timmeren in het nieuwe Timmerdorp, genieten van live outdoor entertainment of meedoen met een van de vele sporttoernooien; zomaar een greep uit onze zomerse familieactiviteiten*. 
  • Ook de natuur in onze parken verken je op leuke wijze: in een jeep tijdens de Kids Safari, in je eigen bootje van de Kids Haven of met een rondje Geocaching.
  • Boek een van de vele uitstapjes in de omgeving (rechtstreeks via de Center Parcs-app) of ontdek de omgeving met de (huur)fiets, Family bike of Segway.
  • Geniet van een familieontbijt in je privétuin, steek ’s avonds de BBQ aan op het terras van je VIP cottage of laat een barbecue- of table cooking arrangement bezorgen.

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

woensdag 16 juni 2021

Short breaks with a baby – your top tips

What to bring

“Swim nappies, a sling, all-weather clothing and the usual baby items you need at home is pretty much all you need.” Jenna S

“Always remember baby bedding and spares. Take a night light for the kiddies’ rooms.” Kelly W

“A blackout blind for the bedroom (one that suckers to the glass).” Aileen B

“Bring nuts and bird seed with you so you can feed the wildlife.” Becky M (don’t worry if you forget – you can pick some up at ParcMarket)

“Fold flat bouncers – new-borns love to watch the wildlife from the patio. And food to entice said wildlife show.” Donna F

“Definitely take seed for the ducks and birds…we had a goose tapping on our window every day and my two-year-old loved it! Shouted “mummy the goose wants his food.” Gemma M

“Chalk for the chalkboards and DVDs for those early morning wake ups.” Stephanie G

“A playmat – the floor is not carpeted and can be hard for a sitting baby.” Emma L

“Highchair inserts – I would recommend two, one to pop in the bottom of the pushchair for eating out and one for the lodge.” Donna F

“Plastic toddler-friendly tableware (cups, plates, cutlery).” Jenny W

“An all-in-one rain suit/puddle suit if you’re going in winter so kids can enjoy the park, bikes and beach without getting wet.” Amy B

“Wellies are essential whatever the weather.” Kristen R

“Plenty of snacks and plenty of changes of clothes.” Emma W

“A bucket and spade for the beach regardless of the time of year.” Amy B

“A grandparent so you can get some well-deserved time at the spa!” Emma L (We like your thinking Emma! Mums and dads need some downtime too!)

“A fold down clothes airer, as there’s never enough room to dry towels from all the swimming.” Kelly MM

“Remember a bike lock for your pram when using the indoor areas such as the swimming pool, as the pram parks are located outside in purpose-built areas.” Gemma L



Mucky Pups was amazing.” Charlie M

“Book an Activity Den session – three hours of alone time and kids have the best fun!” Stephanie G

“Go to pottery and put a fingerprint on something – write the date and that it’s your first Center Parcs holiday, because it will be the first of many!” Donna F (Such a lovely idea, Donna!)

“Book your activities well in advance to make sure you can do everything you want to do.” Kristen R


Subtropical Swimming Paradise

“Take two smaller bags for swimwear as the lockers aren’t massive, plus you can split up and tag team, so one adult one child, or single adult who then takes the kid off the other parent so they can get changed after.” Amy B

“Take a big blue IKEA bag. When you get to the swimming pool changing rooms, put the bag on the floor to load shoes in, then outer garments then top with inside clothes. Easy to pick it all up and pop in a locker with one hand especially when carrying a slippery youngster. Ensures you don’t drop all your clothes in the inevitable puddle you make dripping on the floor when getting dried as well.” Rachel I (Great tip Rachel – other Swedish furniture brands are available!)

“Get a proper wetsuit for them as it will keep them warm and means they can manage longer in the pool – my nine-week-old daughter even fell asleep in the pool at Elveden last year.” Josie W

“Take a baby swim ring so babies can float along with you. Wet babies are heavy to carry.” Erica W (Don’t worry if you forget – you can buy floatation devices from the Subtropical Swimming Paradise or Aquatique shop when you arrive).

“Poncho style, over-the-head towels are great for the kids round the edge of the pool and for walking back to the changing rooms.” Amy B

“Bring a fleece all-in-one suit for after swimming. Baby will likely fall asleep but needs to stay warm. Also bring talc for after swimming – a talc covered baby is easier and faster dressed than a damp one!” Donna F



“The pouches in restaurants are fantastic – we always used them and our twin girls loved them.” Kelly W

“They have lots of jars of baby food, free of charge – wish we had known as I wouldn’t have taken so many with us and saved on space.” Paula H

“Bring toys to the restaurants.” Emma W

“Reserve a table for 4.30pm/4.45pm. By the time the food arrives it’s 5pm and the restaurant is full of other families.” Charlotte S

The Pancake House for breakfast – always a winner.” Stephanie G

“Pre-book your restaurants as soon as you are able. Bookings around teatime are often popular so get in there quick if your kids eat at a certain time.” Konica S


Getting around

“Personally, I found wearing baby in a sling is great for their first Center Parcs trip. Found it so much easier getting around and still being able to do activities and things we enjoy.” Jackie B

“Bring a buggy – there are so many wonderful walks and little legs do get tired.” Kristen R (If you’re wanting to save space in the car, you can hire a pushchair from our Cycle Centre)

“We hired one of the pushbike trailers, which was super handy for getting our toddler around.” Elly H

Hire bikes and a bike trailer. Great fun exploring the parks by bike and little ones love sitting in the trailer and looking around and, if it’s wet, they stay dry under cover!” Lauren H


Top tips

“Bring a little treat for the queue when you arrive, be it a toy or chocolate treat, just for that last little hurdle when you check in and it has been a long journey.” Kristen R

“My father-in-law brings his night-time wildlife camera and captures all of the activity that goes on through the night. It’s amazing.” Zoe G

“I’d recommend new first-time parents use the apartments. They are normally better situated and there is no need to pay for an unused additional bedroom.” Donna F

“I found the cots very narrow and no good for a starfish sleeping baby/toddler – found it easier to take our own larger travel cot.” Catherine T

“You can book bed guards through Guest Services in advance for toddlers.” Louise K-D

“You can request an extra cot – both me and my sister go together and we both have babies the same age. We always phone and request for an extra one to be put in.” Sarah D

“If you’re taking a Perfect Prep machine, take ice as well. The heating being underfloor meant our lodge took ages to cool down and the machine overheated – meaning no bottles!” Millie B (our lodges all have freezers so you can make your own ice or pick some up from ParcMarket when you arrive)

“An umbrella fold pushchair fits in the storage pocket of the bike trailer. When you park up the bike you can transfer the child to the pushchair, meaning you don’t have to carry them around the parts of the village where bikes aren’t allowed.” Leanne B

“Take shower caps to put over your bike seats so they don’t get wet in the rain parked up, and a drawstring bin bag to go over the baby seat on the back of the bike.” Amy B

“Don’t stress, if you forget something the ParcMarket will most likely stock it!” Konica S

“There are lovely feeding rooms if baby needs five minutes peace to feed.” Susan M

“Try to remember, don’t stress! It’s easier than you think. I was so nervous with our four-month-old but it was absolutely fine. Just relax and enjoy.” Emma M

“Most of all, enjoy the family time, lovely food and fresh air.” Ann-Marie R

“When your toddler shouts ‘mummy there’s a big duck in the house’ move quick, it’s probably a swan!’ Angie R (Our favourite tip so far, Angie!)


And some glowing endorsements…

“My little boy and I have been coming to Center Parcs since he was a toddler (now just turned 7). It’s our happy place.” Fiona C

“Center Parcs is fantastic for a first family holiday. We enjoyed it as it’s not too far from where we live and has a home from home feel.” Jenna S

“In January 2022 we are bringing three babies – one nine-month-old and two three-month-olds. We have been going to Center Parcs since Sherwood first opened. Our son is now 33, he first went to Center Parcs when he was 18 months old. We love it so much and always spend all family birthdays there. In January 2022 there are 25 of us going.” Andrea S

“The first time I went I was 18 months old in 1992. The first time I took my daughter she was nine months old in March 2020.” Emma W

“Just enjoy every moment. It’s such a lovely place to take a little one, so well-equipped and lovely, safe environment. It was the first holiday for all four of my children and can’t wait to take my grandchild next year. So many happy memories and so many more still to come.” Donna S

The post Short breaks with a baby – your top tips appeared first on Village Life.

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Source Village Life

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dinsdag 15 juni 2021

Terhills Resort wordt proeftuin slimme mobiliteit

Het nieuwe vakantiepark ‘Terhills Resort by Center Parcs’ in Dilsen-Stokkem werd officieel geopend in aanwezigheid van Vlaams minister Lydia Peeters. Het resort met haar 250 luxe cottages vormt samen met het Terhills Cablepark, Elaisa Wellness, het Terhills Hotel en Maasmechelen Village een unieke bestemming voor zowel toeristen als inwoners van de regio. De site Terhills focust niet enkel op toeristische en recreatieve ontwikkeling maar is ook een proeftuin inzake slimme mobiliteit.

LRM, De Lijn en Flanders Make gaan op deze locatie elektrisch aangedreven zelfrijdende shuttles testen op een gesloten mobiliteitslus van 2,5 km. Er is nood aan digitalisering, automatisering en innovatie om een antwoord te bieden aan de mobiliteitsuitdagingen van de toekomst. Zelfrijdende voertuigen zullen in de toekomst deel uitmaken van de mobiliteitsmix en zullen ervoor zorgen dat de kwaliteit van het gedeeld vervoer sterkt stijgt. Vanuit haar beleidsdomein investeert minister Peeters 418.000 euro in dit project.

Bron en hele artikel: Pitane Blue

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

zondag 13 juni 2021

Zandvoort krijgt groot skatepark naast circuit: "Hier zijn we echt blij mee"

Al jaren zijn de skaters in Zandvoort op zoek naar een grotere en betere skatebaan dan de armoedig ogende baan naast het spoor. Nu lijkt hun wens dan éindelijk waarheid te worden. Naast het circuit wordt, op wat nu nog parkeerterrein is, hoogstwaarschijnlijk een groot skatepark aangelegd. 

De gemeente Zandvoort, de directie van het circuit en de skaters hebben de handen ineen geslagen. Als alles volgens plan verloopt, moet er begin september een gloednieuw skatepark liggen tussen het circuit en vakantiepark Center Parcs. "We zitten in de laatste fase van de voorbereidingen", aldus wethouder Raymond van Haeften. De exacte locatie kan nog een paar meter verschuiven. "Omdat er ook een glasvezelkabel vanuit de Noordzee loopt en dan kunnen we natuurlijk niet op dat punt gaan graven."

Bron en hele artikel: NH Nieuws

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

vrijdag 11 juni 2021

De Vossemeren Run: over 3 maanden.

Lopen of wandelen voor het goede doel AKINDO! Doe jij mee?

Op zondag 12 September 2021 organiseert Center Parcs de Vossemeren voor de tweede keer de Vossemeren Run

Voor deze tweede editie behouden we onze Kidsrun (500m) en onze 5km en 10km recreatieve run en voegen daarbij voor het eerst ook de mogelijkheid om een route van 5km of 10km te wandelen!

Het doel van dit recreatieve evenement is om zo veel mogelijk geld in te zamelen voor Akindo Vakantiewerking.


  • 10u00 Start VM RUN 5 km en 10 km recreatief
  • 11u30 Prijsuitreiking RUN 5km en 10km
  • 12u00 KIDSRUN met Orry of één van zijn vrienden
  • 12u20 Prijsuitreiking KIDSRUN
  • 13u00 - 14:00 Start VM WALK 5 of 10 km
  • 16u30 Einde


  • 5 km Run €10,00
  • •0 km Run €10,00
  • 5 km Walk €10,00
  • 10 km Walk €10,00
  • 500m Kidsrun €5,00

Het parcours is half verhard ,men zal lopen op zowel asfalt- als zandwegen.

Heb jij zin om mee te lopen of te wandelen?

Schrijf je nu alvast

Wens je te blijven overnachten alleen of met uw gezin op dit prachtige park tijdens dit weekend boek dan nu 

Last MinuteMeivakantie, Pasen, Pinksteren, Hemelvaart
Zomervakantie, Herfstvakantie, KerstvakantieVoorjaarsvakantie

of verblijft u liever op een park van  Landal of Roompot

Even weg op een park van DroomparkenTopparkenEuroParcs of RCN

woensdag 9 juni 2021

The perfect place to picnic and play

We’re so excited to announce that our brand NEW play area has just arrived at Longleat Forest! There’s plenty for a variety of ages to enjoy, from the coconut rope that slopes upwards gently swaying in the breeze to the impressive multi-tower structure.

It’s located outside of the Plaza and is the perfect place to picnic and play whilst your little ones enjoy their outdoor adventures.

The new play area has been developed to encourage children to get the most out of their playtime.

  • The balance beam is a playground classic that trains the core stability and equilibrium which improves the fundamental motor skill of balance
  • The bird’s nest swing is a firm favourite, it allows children to work on spatial awareness as well as agility
  • The waterlily balance posts create an imaginative space for play
  • The net elements across the play area are perfect to encourage children to use their cross-coordination. The wide spacing between the rungs is great for leg, arm and core muscles

Outdoor play is more than just time spent in the park, it’s your children’s learning and development.

Don’t miss out on the other play areas around the village, we also have them located in The Village Square, Sports Plaza, The Beach and have a little hidden gem located in the Fir Area of the village. So much space to play!

If you have had so much fun in our play areas but your little ones fancy a challenge, why not try one of our leisure activities, Mini Trek? This exciting aerial rope course is specially designed for younger children aged 2-5years, giving them the chance to have their very own adventure in a safe, secure environment. Once they are kitted up in harnesses, help guide your little ones as they balance, swing, leap and navigate their way around the course and build confidence as they go. Click here to book and find out more.

Have you been to visit our play areas yet? Or has your little one taken on the Mini Trek Challenge? Don’t forgot to share your pictures with us using the hashtag #MyCP on Social Media.

@centerparcsuk on Instagram

@CP_UK_Longleat on Twitter

@Center Parcs UK on Facebook

The post The perfect place to picnic and play appeared first on Village Life.

from Village Life
Source Village Life

of kiest u liever voor Landal of Roompot
Liever een kijkje of verblijf bij Droomparken, Topparken, Molecaten of RCN