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maandag 11 september 2017

Recipe: Soft pretzels with sticky sauce

Summer is over already and autumn has arrived in a rush of misty, back-to-school mornings.

Maybe it’s because Great British Bake Off is back on our screens but, for us, September seems like the perfect time for baking. You can’t beat the smell of something delicious in the oven, and these pretzels are the perfect way to get that. Make a batch for Sunday snacking or for a rainy day movie snuggled under a blanket.

Your favourite pretzel will always be brushed with butter and dipped in cinnamon sugar but as an extra treat we offer you a fudge-y, sticky chocolate sauce made from melted Mars Bars. Don’t just save it for the pretzels, pour it over ice cream too…or eat it with a spoon.

Oh, and I insist that you eat all of your pretzels on the day that they are baked. It’s the best way.


Makes 16 hot, soft pretzels

1 x 7g pack quick action yeast
2 level tablespoons caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
275g bread flour
275g plain flour
325ml lukewarm milk
100g/4 tablespoons melted butter


1 Mix the yeast, salt, sugar and flours in a large bowl.
2 Add the melted butter and warm milk.
3 Stir and then knead for 8-10 minutes, or use a stand mixer and dough hook.
4 Cover the bowl with cling film or a plate and let it rise in a warm room until double in size: 1-2 hours – giving you time to get everything else ready or relax a little..
5 Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
6 Cut the dough into 16 equal portions by cutting the ball into quarters, then quarter again.

7 Roll each piece into a thin sausage (don’t dust with flour or it won’t roll!) about 2 feet long.
8 To form the pretzel loop the rope around and cross over 3 or 4 times. Take the twisted ends up to the top of the hoop and press. Flip the pretzel over onto a board while you twist the rest.
9 Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in a bowl with the very hot water.
10 Dip each pretzel into the bicarb water bath, drain on a cooling rack while you do the rest.
11 Place your wet pretzels, onto baking sheets lined with non-stick foil or parchment.
12 Bake for 9-10 minutes.

For a cinnamon sugar coating


50g/2 tablespoons of melted butter
A small cup of caster sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon


1 Melt 2 tablespoons of butter and mix some sugar and ground cinnamon.
2 Brush the warm pretzels with melted butter then dip immediately in a saucer cinnamon sugar.

For Mars Bar Sauce


A Multi Pack of Mars Bars (4 x 39g)
150ml Double Cream
25g butter


1 Chop up the Mars Bars and melt then in a small pan over a gentle heat with the cream and butter.
2 Keep stirring or whisking and eventually then will form a glossy thick sauce.

Eat as soon as possible and pick your favourite topping!

The post Recipe: Soft pretzels with sticky sauce appeared first on Under the Treetops.

from Under the Treetops
Source Under the Treetops